A Certain Scientific Railgun #03 — Those… Eyebrows…

October 16th, 2009


Yes, creative joke. Never seen that before.


I liked how as soon as they left Academy City, the CG stopped looking like it came out of a ruminant’s lower intestine. At least they toned down the fanservice and raging lesbian molestation this week.  However, when we hit the debriefing scene and learned that the antagonist was an invisible esper with a taser, I lost most of what little enthusiasm I had for the rest of the episode. That they steadfastly refused to show the victims’ eyebrows also forecast the moronic joke well ahead of time.

I’m not sure if it would have improved things or not if they hadn’t revealed it to the end. This show certainly doesn’t have it in itself to have a character gouge out eyes or scar faces or something that would actually be of concern, but when the plot of the episode is "super powerful espers are chasing a serial eyebrow drawer who hates people with normal eyebrows," there’s not a whole lot of drama that you can wring from that, especially with an electromagnetic battery able to zap massive areas at once just sitting around. Invisibility isn’t much use against area attacks, nor is a taser useful against the electric girl. The most dangerous thing about her was that she wielded a permanent marker. Maybe if they played it for comedy instead of drama, but this episode was almost completely devoid of any kind of comedy at all outside of the poorly delivered eyebrow nonsense.

I don’t know if I’ll last any longer with this. The preview for next week wasn’t promising either. This was even more tedious than last week and there’s little indication that it’s going to change any time in the future. I know that if Hekiyoh was available when I got home, I probably wouldn’t have bothered with this. Speaking of which…


Yes. The preview was nothing but their faces being lit by cell phone ipods.

Posted in Railgun | 10 Comments »

10 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • DmonHiro says:

    Those aren’t cell phones, they are mp3 players. And I can hardly wait for the uppers.

    • Aroduc says:

      I will crush your semantics.

    • Shinji103 says:

      Waitasec, /Mp3 players/? Looks like we might be getting the level upper arc next week after all. :) In the manga, the level upper program thing was uploaded onto Saten’s Mp3 player.

      …….although, why would they all be using them? Maybe more anime original material. Or it might not be the plot starting after all….well, we’ve got a week to wait and see.

      I’ve gotta admit though, it’s disturbing to me that I’m looking forward to this less than Darker than Black now…….that doesn’t mean DtB is a bad show, it’s just that I was looking forward to Railgun airing just as much as DtB before.

      • Anonymous says:

        sorry to crush your hopes but im pretty sure thats a cellphone that satens carrying cause theres a small camera on the back =/

  • Rewriter says:

    Can’t MP3 players have built-in cameras? I’m pretty sure you’ve heard of iPod nano? And y’know, technology, 30 years ahead than Earth’s.

    But then again, they could be using their cellphones as MP3 players—which I think they are. Aroduc saw the preview and it probably contained texting LOL.

    AND, I hope they start the next arc next episode! I can’t wait to see the fights :D

    I agree that the show isn’t delivering right now (Kuroko is watchable at least), but I still have high hopes for the next arc.

  • passer-by says:

    I very muchly doubt that the level-upper arc will be starting next episode. The manga mp3 players didn’t have cameras on the back. At least from what I remember. But the level-upper arc will be coming soon. I’ll give it two more episodes. Eyebrow girl was example number one. I wonder if the blow-up-can-in-plushies guy will be next. And then the typical chase scene. Oh and Touma should get some screen time if they are following the manga… I think. *goes and reads the manga again*

  • Albedo says:

    I still am waiting for Touma to show up and make things more interesting here…

    Enough with the yuri already.

  • Alt says:

    I realized the antagonist was an invised esper with a stungun at the very first scene. I also realised the stungun will not effect the protagonist, thus blowing the whole ep for me within 160 seconds.

    The eye brow joke I didnt see for almost a full 24 hours after I downloaded the ep. Mostly because this ep was weak, so I turned it off. But I can see how a sharpie applied to the eyebrows of a chick who cuts off her own eyebrows and draws them back on is pure horror.

    If you are a girl with bushy eyebrows and are reading this right now you need to contact me. I have something I want to show you.

    No, really…

    Well anyway…

    I was hopeing that “our hero” eventually caught her via the ability to feel the electro magnetic field of an invisible person. Typically, that hope was dashed against the rocks also.

    I really hope they wander to the good stuff. So far this series is all fluff.

    I do think it still has potential tho. If they go back to the script.

  • Shiro, Long Tail's says:

    From the title I was almost expecting Twenty Faces to be in one of the screencaps. I was disappointed.

  • […] Tenka Seiha has a boring and unimpressed post, but his title is an awesome reference to a classic FLCL line! I’m glad I’m not the only one who thought of Amuro as soon as I saw those eyebrows! October 21st, 2009 | Tags: a certain scientific railgun, itou kanae, to aru kagaku no railgun, toyosaki aki | Category: a certain scientific railgun […]