When the Seagulls Cry #14 — Fingerbanging
September 30th, 2009
This week, Deen discovers the fingergun.
Despite starting with a CG bang, this episode didn’t really entertain me all that much. The first half started well, but then the rest of it was Battler throwing a temper tantrum and moping around, which really killed the mood. Well… if you consider magical murder a mayhem a mood. Not that the rather short CG fight was all that impressive, but like I’ve said before, when it comes to Deen, my standards are low. At least the CG was too obtrusively terrible, although they could use a biology class so that they can learn that blood is not some kind of viscous pudding that comes out of your mouth looking like a fruit and then explodes all over the place. Although I wonder why they drew that rather grisly scene but have censored some of the less gory stuff. Ah well.
I’m still pretty unhappy with the direction of this arc. At least they got back to crazy crazy Eva briefly after about 40 minutes of ignoring her. Apparently the crazy person with MPD who hallucinates an antisocial version of herself isn’t worth checking in with regularly in a murder mystery. The main focus this episode after Virgilia gave Battler a pep talk was on what the deaths of all the master key-holders means and solving that loop of locked doors. Beatrice rules out traps, but Roanove cuts her off when she starts getting a little too uppity in the face of Battler’s interrogation. In the last minute or so, Eva also figured out the answer to Beatrice’s riddle and found the gold.
Posted in Umineko | 8 Comments »
Well as far as I remember this WAS still the boring part, at least in the VN…the fun should start next week.