When The Seagulls Cry #05 — OBJECTION!

July 29th, 2009


Witches were not formally admitted into evidence!


And finally… finally… after four long weeks, we get to Beatrice and the meat of this series. The first half of the episode was not any more interesting than usual, unless you’re counting all the different ways that Deen is messing around with Maria’s face. People yell at Maria for a little bit, she makes silly faces, everybody dies. Been there. Done that. Kind of sick of it at this point. If only they would combine the three in some way… like people yelling at Maria while they kill her because she’s making silly faces. That would be a dream come true. Uu~.

I do have to admit that the whole "Tea Party" thing works a lot better in the confines of a game than in a show, especially since those kind of extra explaination sequences are generally part and parcel of many visual novels. 07th Expansion subverts that in the game to lead into Battler vs Beatrice and the debate of magic vs logic. The extradimensional tea party doesn’t really translate particularly well to an animated form, and the only thing I can really think of that comes close are the "How and Why" sequences that some older shows used. Anime really tends not to break the fourth wall all that often, especially in recent years… but I digress.

I am pleased with how Deen handled it for the most part. You just need to conveniently ignore that Battler’s arguing the existence of magic from what is essentially an interdimensional tea parlor after watching half his family explode into bloodstains. His whole "I don’t believe in magic" speech could have definitely been a little bit shorter, and they probably could have stood to have tried to avoid framing shots with Beatrice’s chest obscuring half the foreground, but eh… it’s Deen. It was a little sad to see how much they focused on camera shots an inch away from staring up Jessica’s skirt after every other female above legal age was dead. There are definitely some lonely illustrators in Deen’s studio.

Brief Summary:

When pressed, Maria tells them that Beatrice did it. While the kids try to shake intelligent information out of her, Natsuhi bars them in the room and yells out to Beatrice. By the time Battler breaks down the door, Natsuhi’s got a bullet in her head. Maria starts congratulating Beatrice, pissing off Battler. He grabs the gun as more butterflies appear because the time is up. They’re all screwed.

At a tea party, everybody admits that it was a definitely a bad ending, but they’re all in good spirits and joke about it. You just can’t win against a witch. That irks Battler, who protests that they just don’t know what really happened. The mood shifts again, and Beatrice appears and confronts Battler. He’s shocked for a moment, but asserts that there is a logical explaination for everything, nothing was magic. Beatrice lists off all the mysteries of the latter going that he’ll have to explain, and has a new one for him, as everybody but the two of them explode into bloodstains before his eyes.

At another tea party, the witch Bernkastel and Beatrice trade less than friendly pleasantries about what Beatrice has now put underway.

Posted in Umineko | 30 Comments »

30 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • sage says:

    I hate you, bitch.


  • Phocus says:


    It's about time everyone died – it was getting really boring…

    It'll be interesting to see how Studio Deen will transition through the different episode arc!

  • e.m.m says:

    The girl Looks like Rika from Higurashi!!!!

    • karasu says:

      DEEN probably didn’t have any money to give the room a more “twilight” feel, and just left it blank to save money.

  • MuzikalNotes says:

    The place where the witches’ tea party is oddly brighter than I imagined it to be. Looks like they animated the tea parties better than I though they would do, though, so at least they did something right for a change.

    All they needed to do was tone down the fanservice and Maria’s expressions (I’m pretty sure, in just the 1st arc of the anime, she has made around 20-30 different “creepy” faces, while in the VN, she made less than 5). Horrible overkill… If they do this, the 2nd arc will be MUCH better.

  • HJK says:

    What’s weird is, I think the manga ends right after Natsuhi is killed.

  • DarkDestiny says:

    Bernkastel I love you!!!

  • Travis says:

    I hadn’t been following this for the same reason I didn’t follow Chaos;Head when it came out. Adaption disconnects are fucking weird. If I was Battler, I woulda socked Maria by now, seriously. That being said, this ep seemed pretty enjoyable, and it seemed pretty well handled. Haven’t read Umineko yet, though, so I don’t know how jarring/adapted this was, but it just seems like Deen handled the whole ‘Tea Party’ scene as well as they could. Someone who’s read the actual VN can feel free to correct me.

  • chad001 says:

    Wow… Frederica Bernkatsel, and Beatrice meet, some of the creepiest minds in the universe congregate, the worlds of Hinamizawa and Umineko will soon converge. Soon we shall see Keiichi going insane, beating Beatrice to death with a baseball bat….

  • Digdri says:

    Well finally a well adapted episode (guess you won this one, shugosha :P )
    Everything a liked about the end and the tea parties was in it and they finally got the balance between cute and crazy Maria right (which made her so an eerie character in the games).

    @MuzikalNotes: Well Maria didn’t have many different facial expressions in all game to begin with. So it’s only natural they gave her a wider variety in the anime. But sure they overdid the crazyness in earlier episodes. This time I liked how they handled it.

    @HJK: I doubt the manga is completely finish right now. The games were the same as the anime. The “main game” ended with this ambiguous revival of the witch in the mansion and then you got 2 extra entries in the main menu call “Tea party” & “????” which told the rest in the same way. They only cut the long “outro” about the aftermath of the incident (which was in the manga) for obvious reasons.

    @Travis: They indeed handled the teaparties well. From the adapted BGMs of the game to the meta-feel and strange happiness of the people, Battlers emotional reaction, Beatrice character and finally them dying gruesome again. They convoyed the flair of the original really well.
    The only left out one scene were Beatrice recreates the crime scene with Eva/Hideyoshi with her magic and taunts Battler to explain it and because he can’t she shows how her magic made it a piece of cake to commit this seemingly impossible murder. But this would have dragged on to long and wasn’t so essential. So a wise choice to drop it.
    Also: Did they mention this meta-place is call “Purgatorio” in the anime? That at least gave you an idea why this is happening after the main story this way.
    I remember when I read the tea party in the game the first time I was really irritated how the suddenly started braking the 4th wall and seemingly tried to bash the author for “doing it wrong” regarding the mystery concept. XD

    chad001: Well can you really tell if the witch Bernkastel isn’t really a total different person from the Bernkastel in Higurashi? :P The question who is Bernkastel and Rika wasn’t so trival in Higurashi in the first place. Leaving her out completely in the anime only made it worst.
    There are many hint that support the fact they are somehow quite similar but the story never gives you a final answer.
    After all this story is a whole new universe with some cameo appearance as fan service.
    Battler even mentions he read the Higurashi novels in the 1st game once and the witches also tread it as a VN game in their world (needless to say just a joke of the author and not plot-relevant).

    • chad001 says:

      Well actually, she did make a brief cameo in the anime, remember? When she shows up to render all of the events useless, by saving Takano’s parents….

      • Digdri says:

        Well ok … that right but they didn’t even mention her name and she seems much old etc. so quite difficult to conclude anything from this scene. When they put this in a just thought: ok DEEN wants to tell you that even after the solution there is still mindfuck left over for the OVA but I was disappointed so read that she should have been part of the story before and the just skipped all the meta-world-stuff.
        BTW in the OVA Rika also talks about not being a witch anymore. But I think they just put it in because that was like last month and the wanted so connect the animes in some way, because they left out everything else about Bern to this point.

        After all the problem still is both Bernkastels are so vague persons the people still argue how to interpret them and their connection to Rika. There simply is no definite answer to this. And her speaking mostly in riddles (or poems ^^) only makes it more complicated.

        Only think you can be sure: “the human Rika” and Bern the Witch have totally different personalities and mindsets. Don’t know enough about Frederica in details to compare them…

      • shugosha says:

        Bern is a mystery.

        It’s better this way, for us and for new-viewers. Someday maybe we will know… or maybe not.

        But at this point, everyone is supposed to be mindfucked right? ;)

      • Digdri says:

        Yes…thats fun in this stuff…

        The additional letters with TIPS he wrote are the best examples. (Witches Tanabata etc.) You never really know what they might tell about the mysteries.

        Well Ryu07 said in an interview he didn’t want to provide straight answer like “X is the solution” this time cause he doesn’t want to stop the creativity of the people. So we might never get the last answers about the subtler topic…

        Think Lain: 10 watcher, 15 opinions about what they saw. :P

      • shugosha says:

        He didn’t say exactly that. He will give us all of the answers, but he don’t want to give them Higurashi style, with the culprit appearing out of nowhere.

        He wants the players theorizing until the end.

      • Digdri says:

        Well… that all about interpretation for a few lines of interview-answering but would it be so too unreasonable think he will leave some of the finer details eg. the way magic work to the readers imagination.
        No doubt the culprit and incidents on the island will be explained in detail but apart from that there may be some open ends about the more abstract thoughts IMO.

  • Cross says:

    It wasn’t that bad. I mean, the experience you get from reading the VN would ,of course, make it a little annoying that changes were made here and there, but meh, it’s okay. Subpar. So~so~

  • KaraKara says:

    I was lost after the message in a bottle scene, I never read the Manga or played the game so I’m comepletely lost. I know it’s going to get better soon with the apperance of the Rika-like witch, good series so far, but is very confusing.

    • shugosha says:

      You’re lost? That’s good then.

      You’re supposed to be really lost, so don’t worry.

    • Anonymous says:

      It will make a bit more sense as it goes along. Just think of Battler and Beatrice being “in between worlds”.

    • Digdri says:

      In the games you also felt lost at this point. But as I mentioned further above the game at least mentioned “Purgatorio” as a name for this place so you knew this must be something “otherworldly” and thats why people are alive there and stuff :)

      But the next episode or the one after that (depending on the pacing) will surely give you at least in idea about the direction the show will take…. for now :P

      Also: New arc = new funny / silly stuff just like Higurashi. The Preview for 2-1 on YouTube looks promising… Cosplay band FTW ^^

      • KaraKara says:

        It certainly feels nice to get lost since this is a mystery theme story.

        If there’ll be a ‘reset’ like in Higurashi, I’d get an idea as to what the story will try to explain. This means more murders and mysteries to enjoy.

        I wonder if Nipah~ will return. ^^

      • Digdri says:

        In When the Cry there is always more blood and mindfuck waiting :)

        “I wonder if Nipah~ will return. ^^”
        Actually there was a small joke about this in the game, but strictly speaking: NOO…. Rika has no place in Umineko … this series has more then enough new characters so present.

        And now you have Uuuu~…. sounds cute too, doesn’t it? ;P

      • KaraKara says:

        Yeah, I was thinking that this’d be a short series because how fast everyone has died, but after seeing the Wiki page for it, it seems that it only just started.

        Uuuu~ is pretty cute but pretty annoying when spammed by Maria. :V

      • Digdri says:

        Higurashi was the same… 4 episodes til everybody important was dead.

        But later arcs will be much much longer…. especially the 4th game was huuuuge…

        LOL Maria the Uuuu~ Spambot ;-)
        Remembers me of a MAD of the rose scene replacing her Uuuu~ with some alarm siren like sounds. ^^

  • Anon999 says:

    Jesus. That episode was a waste of my time.

    The VA for Beatrice sounds nothing like I imagined her to be. I expected Yukari Tamura to do the voice of Beatrice, but I guess we can’t get what we want, now can we?

    And breaking the fourth wall? That’s a twist right there.

    Maria must be a witch’s apprentice in disguise.

    • Digdri says:

      Wouldn’t it be more of a “disguise” if she had such elegant cloth like Beatrice…. you know like in magical girl shows nobody notices there friends :P

    • MuzikalNotes says:

      Yeah, the 4th wall thing also happened in Higurashi, but because that wasn’t necessary, they took it out. In Umineko, it’s absolutely necessary to put it in, or else the next couple of arcs will be confusing.
      At least I haven’t heard anyone screaming “THIS IS USELESS, SINCE IT’S OBVIOUS THE CULPRIT IS BEATRICE” here, yet. That is both hilarious and annoying, for me, anyways.

  • Digdri says:

    “It’s useless… it’s all useless” XD

    Well I saw many discussions on the web trying to analyse how the magic in the story might work and how this magic could explain the murders…. I didn’t get it. Whats the point in explaining it this way. Magic is magic because it can do impossible stuff.
    But those people will have their fun with EP2 ^^

  • Yue says:

    Uuuuu~~~~ What the HELL is this SHOW!? I’m absolutely… absolutely… AAAAARGH!!

    Why didn’t I watched this when the whole world was? XD