Touhou Hisoutensoku — China, Cirno, and Sanae… Oh My!

July 23rd, 2009


Tasofro just announced Touhou 12.3, including the three mentioned above. Given the name (SWR was Hisouten, soku means ‘near’, or a pun for ‘zoku’ meaning sequel), style, and that there was sort of a quasi-non-announcement about an SWR patch in the works, I’m going to assume it’s an expansion to SWR, moving the story up past UFO (out in a month, remember). It apparently adds, among other things, robots, and the story is something about fog in the middle of summer, not like it matters. Probably Suika getting too drunk to reincorporate. Really though, your guess is as good as mine right now.

Posted in Touhou | 10 Comments »

10 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • malek86 says:

    Probably an expansion. The site lists a 1500 yen price, which is way too low for a new game, and way too much for a demo.

  • sage says:

    That ⑨ in the cover…
    …if Cirno turns out to be a final boss, my brain will probably shut down from so much bullshit.

  • i wonder if parsee make an apperance in this game?…….

  • Anonym says:


  • Yue says:

    pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew…

  • Sheba says:

    Way to get promoted Cirno and Sanae

  • Anonymous says:

    Well. Alphes just totally beat idealo’s Cirno. AUER’s China, though, beats Alphes’ new China and Alphes’s Sanae beat both of their Sanaes. That’s what I think, anyway.

  • Perish says:


    Can’t wait for this!

    Although, will they be using the current MUGEN Cirno creation with permission?

    Needs moar Parsee.

  • namelessLoli says:

    Ugh…good god, let SWR die already. Such a shitty game.

  • Anonymous says: