Manageable Modern Magic #02 — Da Capo

July 18th, 2009


Ah, here’s the start.


And so we come to the first episode from Koyomi’s point of view, the second episode chronologically, and the third in reality. We’re getting… uh… somewhere. Unfortunately, the vast majority of this episode was extremely dull since we already know pretty much exactly how all of this is going ot turn out. They filled the time with a relatively unneeded introduction to Koyomi and to the modern side of the magical magicness, but that’s really about as interesting as anything got. The plot was just Koyomi’s introduction to magic along with an Akihabara idol being stalked. It certainly can’t be compared to pseudo-Gilgamesh last week nor the Zerg next.

Yeah, that’s really all I have to say about this one, except maybe noting that a Milfie cosplayer’s butt got front and center in one of the shots of Akihabara… NEXT!


Yumiko vs the Zerg.

Posted in Modern Magic | 10 Comments »

10 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • Anonymous says:

    Looks like she’s about to be eaten by a hydralisk.

  • MADAO says:

    Urgh… Seems like the cool masked dude in the OP still not in this already boring ep…Damn you! Please appear & show me your identiy then I can drop this show in peace

  • Anonymous says:

    Yes, but does it have the fingerwiggling sponsor thing at the end? I swear that thing was more erotic than it had any right to be.

  • Nanaya says:

    “Deus In Machina?”

    …I really hope they did that on purpose or it means something I’m not aware of.

  • Chimasternmay says:

    who/what is this anime even about, seem like a anime to watch after it had ended airing, mush to hassle to wait each week for this one.

  • Wisp says:

    Galaxy angels, including Milfie, make any show awesome. I am afraid of sounding like a hustler, but how goes the translation for the game?