Kanamemo #02 — When The Porta Potty’s a Rockin’…

July 12th, 2009


Gross. So very very gross.

Maaaaaaaan. I’m gone all morning and there still aren’t decent raws waiting for me when I get back? Well, maybe if I start with what’ll probably be the weakest and work my way up…


I really didn’t like this episode anywhere near as much as the premier. Kana’s imagined alien invasion and Haruka’s pedophile fantasies were amusing for a moment, but then they proceeded to absolutely drive those jokes into the bloody ground. Additionally, the last 4-5 minutes were once again almost completely devoid of humor, which doesn’t leave a particularly positive impression of Mika or the show itself. Aside from that, mere words can not even cover the weirdness of Haruka trying to drag Kana into a portable toilet to do things to her, but being blocked because Yume and Yuuki were already in there having make-up sex. Or maybe I’m misinterpreting what a porta potty with hearts flying out of it is supposed to mean.

So honestly, I’m not sure I’ll follow along here after all. I barely chuckled at all this episode, and the ending was once again pretty lame. Saki provided almost all of the good humor with her rape whistle emergency dog and prehensile hair. There’s the added bonus of it being on Crunchyroll, which is the perfect pretense I need to keep my Sundays to a relatively stress-free two shows… assuming Princess Lover’s second episode isn’t similarly disappointing at any rate. Man, I hope there’s a decent raw for that around by the time I finish T3.


Back to school and more Mika.

Posted in Anime | 4 Comments »

4 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • Will of the Wisps says:

    Loli hair attack was amusing though.

  • MADAO says:

    Seriously, Aroduc: “Or maybe I’m misinterpreting what a porta potty with hearts flying out of it is supposed to mean.”, you dont know what it means ? It means that they are enjoying taking a shit together…Wai-, am I allowed to say shit in this blog? I already did though, tee hee. The hearts that are flying out merely express their happiness of being together as well as the relaxing feeling of being able to get rid of the burden so that they can fly together to Yuri Land.

  • Solaris says:

    I find this anime’s humour a bit forced. Some gags are even not funny, while some few are just cute.
    I lolled at loli’s hairs attack but Kana’s disillusion about aliens was just stupid and it was dragged just too long.

    Kana reminded me of Yui from K-on somehow with that over polite and a dumb behaviour of hers.
    If K-on had that nice-to-idiocy lead char and it worked somehow, it’s not that kind of annoying main char would work everywhere.
    As a matter of fact, I find Kana super annoying, but also the wise brat is super annoying as well. The pedo-alcholic-oneechan is annoying (and just overboard) to and also the 2 lesbos are annoying. The last char, the newspaper rival girl looks annoying too…

  • Shizuru says:

    I rally liked it, though the end of the series was a little bit sudden. But I laughed a lot, so if you don’t like Yuri, don’t watch it, Solaris.