A Certain Magical Snail #03 — Bake-What Now?
July 17th, 2009
Alright. I’m giving next week 5 minutes to be interesting, and if it doesn’t succeed, I’m done with this show. The first 18 minutes of the episode was just one long tortuous conversation going absolutely nowhere. Every now and then, Hitagi’s teasing would be kind of amusing, but then again, the production was absolutely abysmal through the entire sequence. I especially enjoyed the 50 second pan over a single frame, followed by a still of another frame for another 50 seconds shortly after. Hell, it looked like it could have even been the same frame, just zoomed slightly further in and without the CG fence. At least the second one had 3 frames of silly faces chucked in. …And then they went back to using the original still some more. I’d like to also point out for all those that thought Araragi having a panic attack over seeing a naked Hitagi was normal, that he had a similar panic attack when she sat down next to him… after he spent the last two minutes trying to stare down her dress.
They didn’t even tease the plot of this arc until the last couple minutes, and that’s where they almost jolted me out of the coma the first 80% of the episode had successfully induced. Mayoi at least has a little energy and it was infectous, thank the heavens. Araragi, on the other hand, continued to lose points by picking a fist fight with a girl a quarter his size. Even Sento only assaults people who break into his house to watch porn or float through walls, not little girls who are rude to random strangers trying to hit them up on a playground. In a way, it’s sad that it was even a fight at all, considering one of them has vampiric strength and a healing factor that just won’t quit, bub.
Mayoi better be bringing her A game next week, because even Index didn’t pack the exposition this densely or ever look this cheap. Hell, at this point in Index, she’d been gutted and Touma had fought a giant Catholic pope on fire. I wish Bakemonogatari had anything as interesting as a giant Catholic pope on fire.
Posted in Anime | 32 Comments »
Not suprised you dont like it based on the terrible anime you do blog.