Asura Cryin’ #10 — Animal Cruelty

June 4th, 2009


Please spay or neuter your devils.

Sorry I’m a bit slow. Had a rather busy morning.


A pretty decent episode overall, even if the technobabble and magical machine to turn everybody into gorillas suck the life out of everybody in the area seemed a bit randomly thrown in and straight out of the Legion of Doom’s playbook. At least I was wrong about Christina, as she ended up sort of being the mastermind/reason for all of it since she lost control of her powers and all this was supposed to put things right. Props to Kaga for being ruthless and attacking while Kurogane was in midsummon. It’s nice to see a villain who doesn’t just stand around and let the hero wind up for their big attack. His Asura Machine’s power also apparently can put people into stasis, so I guess that’s at least seven or eight steps up from "has a chain." Haruna showed off her Asura Machine this episode as well, although the more she talks, the less inclined I am to listen to her. I blame the Osakan accent. Anyway, hers is all about making strings that explode, so I’m pleased on that front. Hopefully there’s a showdown between GD and Tomo’s group in the future for the excessive boom that a Shuri/Haruna fight would bring.

So, while this arc wasn’t as good as the previous Shuri one, its main sin is that it really didn’t go anywhere or do anything particularly interesting. The token loli is lame and they really had a chance for some decent Takatsuki moments here, but all we got was "Takatsuki’s not an animal!" and everybody just went back to the daily grind. About the only thing  that seems to be leading into the final arc for the show is Misao’s now hearing voices from some woman in a tree. I just hope they get back to ol’ whose-her-face, Shuri’s boss with the sword. How can you show a girl with a sword and not have her slice someone up? Egregious abuse of Chekhov’s weaponry if that’s the case. I do have to question where exactly Kurogane was punching at the end, because if he had completed his swing without Christina getting in the way, his fist would have gone straight through ol’ chainy’s crotch. Effective, I’m sure, but I didn’t figure Misao for the balls-punching type.

Really though… just three epsiodes left, and next week looks like generic ponytail filler. I’m getting Sekirei flashbacks all over again. Don’t do this, Seven Arcs… please.


Let’s all go to the ball!

Posted in Asura Cryin' | 9 Comments »

9 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • Haruchin says:

    No love for Haruna’s Kyoto-ben? :-( Hearing her speak for the first time a couple of episodes back made my day. “Finally! A Kyoto accented character returns to our screens! How long since Shizuru, guys?!”

  • The Phantom says:

    It was awesome how kurogane emerged from tomo’s shadow and broke those chains, it almost seemed as kurogane taking over tomo (that would be damn great ^_^). Good episode, I however think that shuri/shirogane/kurogane fight was far superior to this one.

    And the next episode seems dedicated to Reiko, and rikka kurasawa is there too. I am looking forward to see what happens, but with so few episodes remaining and so many elements of the main plot unresolved (heck, even that sword wielding girl from the opening has barely said a sentence or two) I fear that this season is going to end in a big cliffhanger.

  • SZ says:

    I, for one, like what I’m seeing in the next episode preview. Aine and Reiko are pretty interesting to watch.

    And I’m pretty sure Tomoharu said “Takatsuki’s not a tool”.

    • Aroduc says:

      *shrug* I heard 動物 instead of 道具. Whichever. Already purged it from my system so can’t check. I’ll assume you’re right… and they should still be spayed or neutered.

  • karuroso says:

    I’m wrinting this here because i think nobody would answer my question on the 8th epi topic(yeah only today i watched the 8th epi =X) ,is it normal to learn integral in math classes at school ?o.O here where i live is only taught at university and to me this subject is so fucking hard.

  • Anonymous says:

    7 Arcs should stay with the Nanoha franchise and make it good rather than produce drivel like this.