Warring Era BASARA #06 — Insert Song Here

May 6th, 2009


Because when the production sucks, throw in some new music.

Tired of waiting for a decent raw. Yada yada.


Well, I think they blew this week’s budget on Hondam last week, so they tried to make up for it by tossing in two insert songs in the middle. Nouhime was pretty cool, even if I’m still wondering where she got that minigun from… and why anybody is even bothering with melee weapons when she has land torpedos, but the rest varied from just plain poorly done to hilariously inconsistent. Masamune’s fight was completely phoned in, and the end of the Yukimura/Hondam exchange was pretty much just Yukimura yelling at Hondam. Unfortunately, next week doesn’t look better at all, as the preview contained nothing but people’s heads looking around. I think there were about 6 frames of animation used there. And no, before you ask, I don’t recognize the new guy.

Brief Summary:

Masamune is pissed about how Nagamasa died, so he attacks Mitsuhide. Ieyasu’s generals tell him that they’ve got to retreat, so Tadakatsu flies off on his own to give them that opportunity. However, Nouhime tries to assassinate Ieyasu, but is stopped by Shingen. She does succeed at killing Tadakatsu because Yukimura’s spear was still jammed in there. After that, everybody decided to more or less put aside their differences and work against Nobunaga. When Yukimura goes to parlay with Masamune, Date passes out from a wound he took that nobody noticed and spends the rest of the episode out cold.


Kojurou’s big day.

Posted in Sengoku Basara | 6 Comments »

6 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • Anonymous says:

    I think this show moves in waves, we get 1 awesome ep for every 3 episodes of exposition and plot development.

  • Yue says:

    Mmmmm… it’s only episode six, Azure. Maybe it’s too soon to say that there’s no tsundere in this manly show.

  • schneider says:

    The new guy is Hisahide, who is made of JUST AS PLANNED.

  • Nao says:

    Spoiler? I guess..

    The reasons they didn’t really go onto weapons like Nouhime’s is because it’s the /Sengoku/ period. The only people who entered at that time were missionaries like Zabii — .. who was shown dead in the series later on .. — and Japan didn’t want any influences in their culture. Which includes the weaponry. That’s why Yukimura shouted “Western weaponry” or something along those lines in the episode where they were first introduced.