Chrome Shelled Regios #17 — FACEMAN!
May 2nd, 2009
I… don’t think Japan knows what that means.
As we’re starting to near the final stretch here, it’s really worrying me that there’s a ton of things left that really just don’t seem to be coming together particularly well. I’m still waiting for an answer about the interdimensional jackalmen.
Anyway, a decent episode, even though it felt really really really low budget since about 90% of the conversations (and it was very talky) were done behind closed helmets or by an evil magical goat. The big event of the episode is that the goat attacked and most likely possessed Nina, who is now missing. I’m chalking Felli’s reticence at the end towards her being the only one that knows about Nina, especially after Layfon’s big ol’ "let’s all fight together" speech. That probably counts as the second big event, Layfon finally showing his feelings for the rest of the group at least a little bit. Sharnid got to show off his brofriend’s coolness to Shaina too. Darth Vader also was somewhat surprisingly shown to be a bit more good than I expected, warning Layfon that Salinvan and Grendan are currently up to something, even if he had no real clue what.
The Legend of Regios portion was especially hilarious this week… unintentionally as always. Not Faceman! Aside from the two extra mouths, it almost looks like he came from a rejected Dick Tracy design. Harley’s metal baseball cap helmet was also pretty bad. Shaina’s giant metal hairnet was only slightly worse. Is she opposed to putting her hair in a bun or something? Mmmm hairbuns. It’s too bad the fight against the bugs had a particularly repetitive and annoying music track, because it wasn’t particularly impressive either, especially with Layfon falling over and grunting with effort every 30 seconds.
Leerin vs the border patrol, and the search for Nina.
Posted in Chrome Regios | 9 Comments »
Here’s hoping they kept it low budget to save money on the coming episodes.