Warring Era BASARA #04 — Yawn…

April 22nd, 2009


I’m not feeling witty, leave me alone.


Well, this episode blew. Most of it was just Shingen and Nobunaga marshalling their forces like Masamune did last episode. Shingen formalized his alliance with Kenshin while Nobunaga held his own sister hostage to force her husband, the justice-crazy Nagamasa, to fight Masamune. And that’s seriously all that happened. I got a chuckle out of Kasuga and Yukimura meeting each other, but aside from that, no action, no shouting out 80s rock star Engrish, no horses scaling walls, no random Kasuga orgasms, and Sasuke didn’t even get a chance to hit on Kasuga. What a waste.

On the other hand, apparently next week will have a 10 foot tall man encased in plate steel piloted by some irritating shouting teenager. I’m not sure whether that’s a step up or down.


How does one remove armor that is bolted together into one giant solid chunk exactly?

Posted in Sengoku Basara | 5 Comments »

5 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • GF202020 says:

    Wake me up when someone gets BASARA KO’D.

  • schneider says:

    Go for it, Tadakatsu! None can stand your might, Tadakatsu! You’re invincible, Tadakatsu!

    Ieyasu sucks, but Tadakatsu will make next week worth watching.

  • Yue says:

    Everybody hates setting~up episodes. ^o^

    • shio says:

      I was just thinking that. Anyone know which battle this coming one is supposed to have the likeness of? My encyclopedia skills are failing me.

  • I-K says:

    Next week promises Hondam action, yeahhhh.