Tears to Tiara #02 — The Terrors of the CG Undead

April 12th, 2009


And why.

I feel like my patience in waiting for decent quality raws is at an all time low recently. Oh well. C’est la vie.


Sweet, another episode completely in the dark, moving at an absolutely laborious pace, and this time with the added bonus of bad music and CG skeletons. I’m putting for an effort here, Tears to Tiara, and this is how you repay me? I’m perfectly happy to sit on the sidelines and snarkily enjoy you by pointing out all the missed sexin’s and other silliness, or even just make Fleetwood Mac jokes every time Arthur shrieks out "RIANNON!" and his sister complex gets worse. I’ll even make Octavia and Morgan lesbian jokes for you, you damn show. But let’s pick up the pace here. Sitting through almost five full minutes of Riannon floating in the darkness was painful. We literally sat and watched blood drops on a black background for a full minute. And from there, we went on to CG skeletons and bad ‘comical’ music.

At least it was a little better animated than last week, although it was still damned impossible to have any clue what was going on half the time, and you can only make knocking down an endless parade of CG skeletons so interesting. Ogam didn’t even blow any of them up either. Dude’s got at least the basic fire spell from the start, let’s toast some freakin’ undead here. At least it would light up the damn screen. Thankfully, we finally get some daylight next episode. Hell, they even make it to the boat. With both Morgan’s intro and Gaius at the pier, they could have spent 3 or 4 episodes getting there at the rate this has been going.

Brief Summary:

Arawn snaps Riannon out of her trance, kills Drwyc. Arthur goes after Arawn for being the demon king, but Riannon has decided that being with Arawn is her destiny and declares herself his wife, giving him dominion over the Gael tribe. After a little squabbling, CG skeletons attack and they try to escape. They run into Ogam, fight more skeletons, and finally make it out. Since they’ve killed a priest of the empire, they know they’re not safe, so Arthur has the tribe burn their village because they’re leaving to find a new home.

In the empire, Gaius gets a report about Drwyc. He doesn’t really care about the priest, but the other stuff interests him and he makes preparations to leave.


Exile to the kingdom of elves.

Posted in Tears to Tiara | 7 Comments »

7 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • Bakuman says:

    Where’s the Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood episode 2? I hope you can give Polyphonica a few more chances. :) Thakn you!

  • lubczyk says:

    I think you need to find a better RAW. The 720p release looks great!!!

  • Mash says:

    You complain that is dark? Adjust the luminosity of the video you fool.

  • Avisch says:

    Damn this is going slowwwwwwww. Atleast they got out of the dungeon this episode.

  • Irie says:

    Brightness seemed pretty good this episode. Looks like this story is a take on the Arthurian legends. Takes place around the roman empire period. Arawn doesn’t seem too likable as a lead but it’s early. I wonder if Arthur is blood related to Riannon and we get some type of love triangle. A lot more interesting than I expected.

  • Aroduc says:

    Yes, they’re blood related. Good lord, no, there won’t be any romantic triangle there. Every woman, even the underaged ones, ends up in Arawn’s bed, one way or the other.

  • Qwerty says:

    So Arawn has the Tohno Gland eh?
    This doesn’t look like something I would watch, Thanks for covering it though