Battlefield Valkyria #02 — Tilting at Windmills
April 11th, 2009
Great work, Don Quixote.
I’m sorry, I can’t take this show seriously. It’s trying, or at least, I think it’s trying, but I’m not certain these writers have any clue what they’re doing. War is hell! People die! And now, here’s a tank POWAA SLIDIN’. The tactics remained just as bad as last week too. The enemy forces were taking potshots at unoccupied windmills with their own infantry right in front of the bloody things. They weren’t even close enough for snipers to be a worry. Also… they had TANKS. Meanwhile, Alica’s side decided that with six tanks approaching and them only having three tanks, the best thing to do would be to send out the infantry, then one crappy tank, then the tank that reflects shells fired from other tanks. You have a tank immune to other tanks. It didn’t have a shell explode on it and then emerge from a dust cloud, a shell hit it dead on and the bloody thing bounced off. I’m pretty sure that means that they were driving around in a Metal Gear while happily sending their countrymen to die.
Given that this was very much not an improvement on the first episode, I’m not sure I’ll continue with it beyond this episode. It could be fun just to point out all the ridiculous military nonsense, but I’ve already got Regios on Saturdays and perhaps Polyphonica too, which I’ll get around to eventually. After Miami takes out BU. I hope.
New squad, probably advocating a direct frontal attack on an entrenched enemy.
Posted in Anime | 20 Comments »
Seems that when the player doesn’t control how the battle is ran they really don’t know how to fight a war.