Hayate the Combat Butler OVA — Learning Curves
March 6th, 2009
Double entendres are fun.
I have to admit that I didn’t survive through the first run of Hayate, and it’s very likely that I won’t make it through this upcoming next one, but I figured I’d give at least the OVA a whirl to see how JCStaff’s take on it now that the show has been moved out of prime time and has to make due with the budget of normal shows. Of course, I like JCStaff anyway and consider them one of the solidest studios around, so mh expectations are probably a wash here.
This was pretty much exactly as I remembered it, albeit a little less spastic and with very few random parodies tossed in. It served as a nice reminder to most of the cast, albeit a little heavy handed at times. When Hayate went around from room to room to walk in on half the girls in mid-undress and/or acting out their personal neuroses, the reintroduction bit got just a miiiiiiiiiiite transparent. Hayate Maria remains the hottest anyway, although her pony tail could use some work… maybe a scrunchy instead of that droopy ribbon…
So just a silly little reintroduction for the show and all the characters without any real meat… not that the series ever really had any to begin with. No OP to speak of and the ED was just a credit roll and clips sequence. Production was fine. Noticably lower quality than Synergy’s old version, but not enough that it’ll bother anybody except those who already have an axe to grind. There’s just less movement in general and more pans and the like. On the other hand… boobs.
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SONIA! ah!