A Certain Magical Index #21 — Boobs

February 26th, 2009


And how.


Yawn. A relatively uneventful setup episode featuring four new characters, all of them breasts. On the esper side, we have lonely Index’s boring new shy genius friend Hyouka’s boobs, and on the mage side, the gothic golem summoner Sherry’s boobs. Kuroko surprised me a little bit by actually being pretty decent in a fight, until she was grabbed by the slow moving stone golem, but if she had been trying to kill Sherry, I’m pretty sure she could have done it. This does hurt Sherry’s credibility as a threat a little bit because she was just nearly beat by a tertiary character whose sole purpose is to nuzzle developing electro-bosom. I’m pretty sure these golems aren’t going to do particularly well against somebody who can dispel magic with a touch anyway.

Otherwise though, a very dull episode. Lots of clumsy exposition from Himegami about Hyouka’s boobs and their mysterious Counter Stop ability, and lots of Index making her first friend aside from Touma, Kanzaki, Stiyl, Komoe, Himegami, and Sphinx. Oops, did I just undermine the point of 75% of the episode? Whoopsies. Hyouka’s chest is smart and mysterious, which makes Himegami suspicious. Talk about a shocker.


Cosplay battle DX.

Posted in Index | 7 Comments »

7 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • Yue says:

    Yes, 400% more harem for Touma. ^o^

  • sage says:

    Haven’t you read Railgun? Kuroko is pretty badass when fighting. She is way more versatile and creative than some other teleporters (coughcoughaoicoughcough).

    ps. I fapped

  • TJ says:

    Girls! Girls! Girls!

    I wonder how many of them will make it into Touma’s harem…

    Yeah agreed with sage, Kuroko showed that she can definitely fight in the Railgun manga.

  • 潮騒 says:

    Next episode looks promising.

  • Lero says:

    HAhaha I want more Kuroko fights and more dere dere Mikoto =_=+

  • Lero says:

    I forget the tittle of this entry … All hail Boobs! yay—!

  • Rava says:

    I hate Kuroko’s personality, but I do like her fighting style. She must have pretty damn strong leg muscles by now though, if those…pointy dowels?…are that heavy. O_o