The World Reflected… #01 — Deja Suck

January 13th, 2009


I don’t think I could even write out the full title and still have room for a witty rejoinder.

New Season Disclaimer:

I’ll make a post for almost all new series (barring sequels) with a wrap-up and bullet point opinion of each once the premier week is over. Remember that these are just my kneejerk reactions to the first 20 minutes of shows, many of which in genres that I don’t even particularly like, but I do believe in giving every new series at least an episode to at least try and hook me.


I attempted to watch the OVAs a couple months back when this was first set in stone. It didn’t go well. That leads us into problem numero uno. This episode was almost a direct scene for scene copy and paste of the first half or so of the first OVA. Oh sure… they added a few lines here and there, and instead of dresses down to the knees, all the girls are now in skirts the flap up so high in the wind that its doubtful they even have waists, just legs that connect to their chests. The bigger problem, however, is that the OVAs are a mess of bad writing and overdramatic nonsense. 12 year olds pining about marriage, finding their place in the world, and giving speeches more fitting for a Shakespearean solliloquay to describe why they skipped 5th period gym. Alongside this is the poorly thought out technobabble of Munto’s magical world.

I’m not even certain what to say about the production values either. It seriously looks like they just took the OVA footage and moved things around. There are a few lines that I’m 99.9% certain were not in the OVA, but that’s maybe 5% of the episode max. It’s not even that old of an OVA, but it wasn’t impressive even back in 2003. While the animation is certainly above average, the art often approaches hideous. The whole thing looks like it’s trying to be mistaken for a mid 90s show, which means that the colors are washed out and the sharpness has been set down to minimum. I guess if you haven’t seen the OVAs yet, then it’ll at least be new to you, but you still won’t be impressed by the visuals at all.

So overall, BLECH. BLECH. I detested the OVAs as pretentious drivel, and the only thing that they changed, literally, were the hemlines. I’d hesitate to even call this a remake so much as a rebroadcast, or maybe even director’s cut so far. Maybe if they churn through the first two OVAs quickly enough, they can make some new story (and some new art) that doesn’t suck, but that won’t be for another 5-6 episodes minimum. KyoAni doesn’t even have its vaunted production values here, so it’s just a bunch of nonsensical overblown garbage attached to "girls standing in the wind" titillation and boys in leotards. There are definitely better ways to spend your time. Like… crocheting. Even if you did like the old OVAs, there’s not much to like here since so far… you’re just getting 99.9% of the exact same thing. Well done, KyoAni. This is a new low for laziness.

Opening Sequence


No, kid. You are 13. You are not going to monologue about destiny and the pathos of humanity.

Posted in Anime | 12 Comments »

12 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • Totali says:

    I was monologuing about destiny and the pathos of humanity when I was 13….

  • Rawr says:

    I loved ovas, but unfortunately, even I’m hating this. Not for the same reasons, but hell, I hate it, so that’s all that matters. They changed the voices of the 2 leads, so meh. No wonder it feels weird for me. Ono D is okay, but I liked old munto better. Yumemi just sounds even older… less whiny, but older… Dated animation was something I wasn’t expecting from kyoani… I’m hoping that they’ve dedicated all the budget to clannad, or something, and that’s why the show is lacking budget at the moment. Still, this is disappointing for me, especially since I expected kyoani to have gained experience from the last few shows they did…

  • shuffee says:

    I personally thought the old school animation was fucking awesome (4 RLZ).

  • Mark says:

    I never watched the first OVA, but the second one was good, so it should pick up in a couple of eps at least. No Shakespearean speeches, just random cool things happening and some large-scale fights. I didn’t have a clue what was going on though and I watched it a couple of years back so my memory is a bit fuzzy.

  • sage says:

    So they are wasting FMP!3’s money on this… UGH.

  • ToruHideo says:

    I really don’t get why everyone is so surprised they are reusing old footage.

    I mean, I’m also a little disappointed, but they always said the tv series would be a director’s cut of the two OVAs plus new story, and by “director’s cut” you don’t normally assume “remake”.

    And Satoru Kousaki’s OST makes this a lot better than the original OVA. The new cast is a lot better too, the VA for Yumemi in the OVAs was really bad in the first one.

  • Mark says:

    “they always said”
    The thing is, I don’t think many people at all even had a clue this was coming. Most people generally don’t know about the new anime season until a week or two before it starts and we see people begin posting lists or w/e in blogs and other websites.

  • Avisch says:

    Hmm. I’m going to have to have to make a decision on whether or not I’m going to think about maybe watching this.

    I’m going to use this moment to summarize what I believe to be every Kyoto-animation fanboy’s reaction


  • Sheba says:

    >> I’m going to use this moment to summarize what I believe to be every Kyoto-animation fanboy’s reaction “YA OMG BISHOUJO WITH SKIRTS 2CM ABOVE THE KNEE…OOH ANIMTION QUALITY IS GR8″

    Please, fans are a little more intelligent than that. Should I snark about the mech anime, Gundam or shounen fanboys? Reactions about it are actually more mixed. Ranging from wth to nerd rage, and the occasional guy who likes it.

    I’ll wait and see.

    PS: As a SNK fan and someone who made fun of Capcom’s sprite recycling antics, I do know how it is to put up with the recycling bullshit.

  • Avisch says:

    Heh. I don’t actually think of the fans like that (one section of my mind might though). Of course reactions are going to be mixed. Hell, even I might like it.

    I don’t hate Kyoto-animation. But I’m left with annoyed feelings when I remember alot of people saying “I hope Kyoani animates (show that doesn’t really make sense for them to animate)” and it just got on my nerves.

  • basse says:

    What is this called? haven´t even seen what it´s called.

  • Anonym says:

    Yeah you can actually see that this episode (and probably a number of following episodes) would have crappy quality because it was a director’s cut. The remaining not-director’s-cut episodes will be different quality if you have noticed in the OP + ED (You can see the their eyes are more recent KyoAni like, Yumemi’s short-haired friend looks different, their necktie is of different color [might be grade change], and the Kazuya guy is different from the Kazuya in the OP [if that was Kazuya in the OP]) So yeah… But yeah I’m going to wait for the new storyline, cause I have a thing with big, muscle men… Like Gass…