Minami-ke: Welcome Back #04 — Dogs, Packs, and Squeaky Toys

January 25th, 2009


The Minami sisters make horrifying pets.


The first two parts were pretty decent, but the second half was pretty dull, even with Hosaka around. A lot of that falls on the new character, Hitomi, who seems to be voiced by a dog’s squeaky toy or maybe a 3rd grader sucking down helium. She’s boring to watch and annoying to listen to. What a wonderful combination. She’s got a crush on Natsuki and when she tries to push things on him (like a pink bunny umbrella) she thinks his eyes light up with affection instead of whatever he’s actually looking at, which is more often than not Haruka. Yep. Half the episode pretty much centered around that, which completely ignores the exceedingly bad pun of a girl named Hitomi obsessed with eyes. That’s terrible and the writers should feel terrible.

Oh, and the animators should also feel terrible for giving Kana two mouths. Ye lords, that’s almost as creepy as the dogs.

Briefish Summary Because Totali is Lame:

Part 1 was probably the best of the lot. After being headbutted by Touma, Kana gets it into her head why Touma’s so masculine and thinks that they need to bring her into the female Minami pack, though they’re as much ruled by iron grips of death as the other family. Part 2 was a lot more of Touma, with Kana giving her a weapon to fight back against Natsuki, although if I were Natsuki, I’d pretend to be beaten by the disheveled shots of Haruka just to build up a collection. Part 3 was our introduction to Hitomi and her crush on Natsuki when his eyes turned into ones of love when he saw Haruka and Hitomi thought he was looking at her. Part 4 was more of the same, only with Hosaka convincing her to seduce Natsuki via umbrella. And after the earlier wondering about what to get Touma for her birthday, her brothers settled on a utilitarian black unisex umbrella. Thrilling.


Soaking wet crossdressing preteens.

Posted in Minami-ke | 13 Comments »

13 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • Chen says:

    Haruka is amazing!

  • nobaka says:

    That KanaPug is DANGEROUSLY close to proptosis.

  • AGear2Ax says:

    Wow!!! two mouths!!!What an eye to see that.

  • Ex says:

    Need more Natsuki XD

  • Haesslich says:

    Somehow, that Kana-haired dog is SO appropriate. Frighteningly so.

  • Yue says:

    Yay! Squeaky Voices RuleZ!! Woots.

  • Sheba says:

    Two mouths? I could swear I have seen that a fuckton lot in old anime. Especially Captain Tsubasa.

  • Myssa Rei says:

    And yet, STILL no Mako-chan. I fear…

  • Haesslich says:

    Myssa Rei: We’ll see if Episode 5 has Mako-chan in a wet t-shirt. Y’know, just to break a certain blogger who seems so thoroughly broken that he hasn’t blogged anything since Hallelujah was proven to be a heterosexual.

  • sage says:

    Y’know, just to break a certain blogger who seems so thoroughly broken that he hasn’t blogged anything since Hallelujah was proven to be a heterosexual.

    Heterosexuality killed his DSL modem and his writing.

    …Draw your own conclusions.

  • Haesslich says:

    Heterosexuality killed his DSL modem and his writing.

    …Draw your own conclusions.

    Well, I think that was more an EXCUSE than an actual event – the heterosexuality killed him, not his modem. He broke it in a fit of fanboy rage, methinks.

    At least he didn’t have to see the dog-Kana… :D