Minami-ke: Welcome Back #01 — He’s a Witch!
January 4th, 2009
Burn the witch!
No real surprises with this one. I enjoyed the first two seasons, and I’m sure I’ll like the third. Unfortunately, while there’s always quite a bit to talk about, there remains very little substantive to be actually say, especially after 20 some odd episodes of the relatively same thing. It did seem like the production values may have taken a bit of a hit for this opening episode as compared to the opening episode of the first season and the entire second season, although they did revert back to the first season stylistically. There were no blacked out faces or even the super detailed SERIOUS faces though, so who knows if that’ll stay. I really love the OP. So so so much better than the Gundamesque 2nd season OP.
I’m sure I’ll keep up with this one, but short of just summarizing various parts, I don’t know that I’ll have anything intelligent to actually say. They went to New Years, discussed Uchida’s love-love fortune, harassed Takeru, and then he amazed the sisters with his incredibly fortune-telling pen tricks. I’m sort of happy they didn’t shove Makoto into a yukata for the festival, or even have him show up at all. He’s entertaining, but in small, controlled doses, and the second season went a little trap crazy with him.
Yeah, that’s about the sum and total of the deep thoughts I have about this episode.
3rd Season OP
Poor Fujioka.
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