Chrome Shelled Regios #04 — Attack of the Blob

January 31st, 2009


The best blob ever.

I have to go out for a little bit. Assuming there’s a better quality version available when I get back, I’ll update the caps to something a little less cancerous.


Well, this episode slowed down to basically a complete stop after last week’s series of exceptionally random encounters. All of it was pretty much centered around Felli trying to find part time work and then when the idiot trio she was guarding got into trouble, she finally used some of her real power. I’ll be honest though, I could use a breather after last week’s clusterbintz of nonsense. They did start this episode with the Engrish duo again, but after that, it was all Felli all the time. I do have to wonder what exactly they’re doing with those two. Those segments aren’t even in quite the same art style as the rest of the show, above and beyond the monochrome, which seems to indicate that it’s taking place in the far past or far future, and given that the girl looks a lot like the same person that the Queen saw in Ririn’s eye, I can only assume that’s eventually where it’s leading.

All of the Felli waitress bits were rather cute and amusing, and she remains my favorite character for a number of reasons, but I think her deformed blob faces and violence against inanimate objects are really where her true charm lies. I wish there had been a little more action this episode, but it was still a rather fun little episode. It was nice to see that Felli is potentially extremely dangerous in a fight, even if her attack does seem stolen right from Bleach and that her untapped power is something above and beyond just more telepathic and psychometric tricks.


When potato bugs attack.

Posted in Chrome Regios | 14 Comments »

14 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • Ex says:


  • Bladewind says:

    This show flops just as badly as Prism Ark…

  • Silver says:

    @ Bladewind

    What do you mean? Lol. So far it’s pretty clear and understanding.

  • Yue says:

    I’m watching this anime for the “super~cool passive stoic randomly~reliable when you don’t expect but over~flowing with power” protagonist. ^_^

  • Kazuyama says:

    Felli sempai!!!now i’m totally into Fon-fonxFelli pairing..XD

  • miden says:

    fon fon ! ^_^

  • Tokki says:

    Okay,seriously. Where is the bald guy? Ever since I saw him in the first epi I’ve been looking for him in other epi’s but he has made an apprence again. Where did he go?

  • Aroduc says:

    He’s hanging out with drill-hair girl.

  • Irie says:

    This is a good, low-key episode if they carry show into two seasons. Feels a bit like a filler. If they only go 13, I would want to see a bit more action as well. Hard to have these character development episodes in a short series.

  • tabs05 says:

    I agree that the story might not be engaging compared to other shows but this is nowhere near Prism Ark level.That was pure garbage,I can’t even imagine how I actually ended up watching that shit to the end.I actually liked this series and it would have been better if it had more budget and extended to more than 12 eps.It had potential but too bad they had to squeeze 9 volumes worth of novels in 12 eps.

  • Darco_emp says:

    From the spoilers on official site it seems ep 5-6 will finish vol 1, vol 2 is skipped more or less and 7-9 more or less covers volume 3. The animators are not really straying from the novels. only airing scenes way out of sequence.

    Felli sempai = WIN

  • Omisyth says:

    Felli should win Saimoe.

  • Curio says:

    Why does it feel like they rush the awesomeness and then drag out the less dramatic elements. Yes Felli is great, do I want a whole episode dedicated to her sideline escapades? No, not really… Adding the atrocious engrish opening sequence and I was shaking my head in disappointment.

  • Irie says:

    Just took a good look at the preview. Is the queen making an appearance? I am guessing she is going to be playing a big role pretty soon. No other reason to say she wanted to remain in disguise to support someone.

    I can understand why the show feels a little weak right now. At any point, they just need to add some serious action scenes and it should become interesting again. There is just alot of stuff they are trying to cover. If it only goes 12, it’s going to start feeling rushed or incoherent.