Maikaze’s Touhou: A Summer Day’s Dream — Okay, I’ve Acknowledged It
December 29th, 2008
Can I go back to doing something enjoyable now?
Just watched this on Nico because… you know… I expect little. And boy did I get it.
To be positive, it looks better than Sound Holic’s attempt at making one of these from the last Winter Comiket. On the other hand, that one was almost three times as long. I am not swayed by the use of professional VAs in the slightest. Gleam of Force had a higher quality cast than this one. Better music and art too for that matter. It was… well… clearly made by a bunch of amateurs. Animation was often stilted and inconsistent, anything that moved was far far less textured than everything else, and they pretty clearly hadn’t quite mastered syncing voices up to animation, though it only got embarassingly bad once that I can recall. They also need to never attempt to draw somebody walking towards the camera ever again. Reimu looked like a drunken sailor lurching towards a whore house. Sausage paws and triangle fingers abound. Hell, there’s one point where Aya has a finger growing out of another finger.
Its biggest sin, however, is being boring as hell. If you’re looking for anything at all related to the games, or cutesy videos, or… hell… what do kids like with Touhou these days… giant headed blobs… you’re not going to get it. It’s just 17 minutes of talking heads and then 45 seconds of Reimu and Patchouli throwing things that explode. Touhou Soccer has longer and more detailed action scenes than that… and let’s you play soccer in the interim instead of staring at inconsistently drawn talking heads.
I don’t care what people may think of this as some kind of breakthrough or stepping stone for Touhou or the doujin world in general. I’d rather have a 90 second little flash music video that entertains me than a 20 minute monstrosity that bores me to tears. Seriously, this was half the length and about 40 times more entertaining to watch. Priorities here, people. Entertainment first, shameless fanwankery can be a distant second.
Posted in Touhou | 29 Comments »
I’d rather have a 90 second little flash music video that entertains me than a 20 minute monstrosity that bores me to tears <- I agree