Macadomi Wasshoi! #09 — Puppy Dogs
December 1st, 2008
And this is why I take absolutely no stock in how the Japanese choose to transliterate their words into English. Macadomi?
Sorry it’s a little late this week. I’m not really certain what the deal with the raws was. Have pans of Finnia and Eneus from the episode as compensation. ef appears to be lost in the same interdimensional internet rift at the moment.
Not the most humorous of episodes, although it’s always nice to hear Kawasumi Ayako sing. The second half was just a biiiiiiiiiiiiit too much Ah! My Goddess for my tastes along with the very predictible punchline of Eneus coming right back to work for Eitarou. After 20 minutes, the status quo must be restored. That is the law of the land in humor shows and for all the other things that Macadmy Macadomi does, having a particularly central plot or progression ain’t one of them. Yes yes, Eneus going off somewhere after her nice little thank-you date with Takuto. I’m sure a central character will just waltz off in the middle of the show.
The first half was alright, but I really didn’t take to Finnia (or however you want to spell it). She’s hyperactive and a moron. Kudos to Eitarou for siccing her on Hard Gay Hapxia when she was really after him, though I’m amazed that none of the others, including Eneus, stepped in to stop it or even save her from a fate marginally worse than undeath. I also really liked Falce’s winter dress. It honestly looks so much better than her usual fanservice friendly outfit, but I probably have a thing for the whole snowbunny look anyway. Comes from growing up in Florida and then moving to the mountains during adolescence. The vaguely perverse neighbor also made his token return. Apparently he has a daughter that tortures him while he’s sick.
Still, it was a pretty nice Eneus episode matching her against the other straight man of the series, so I can’t complain that much. It just wasn’t really why I watch this show.
Posted in Macademi WAsshoi! | 5 Comments »
Oh shi~ snow in the episode, my senses are tingling … love snow in anime … call me crazy.