Macademy Wasshoi! #10 — Absolutely Lovely Mages
December 8th, 2008
That’s why we won’t lose!
Absolutely awesome episode on all fronts. We had comedy. We had violence. We had espers. We had tsunderizing bunny ears. We had Tanarot piercing drama. We had roaming fog clouds. We had PERFECT Meganeus. We had EXTREME ping pong. We had a manly pose off between Hapx and one of the psychics. The only thing this episode was lacking was that it didn’t have enough Eitarou or Miyabi. Although we did get super 1970s Eitarou and I’m pretty sure that those are MegaTen shadows that the secondary psychic dude summoned, not that I’m looking forward to P4 in a few days or anything… even though I probably won’t pick it up until after Christmas.
Surprisingly enough though, there really wasn’t much of a plot here. The first half had a lot of bonding between Takuto’s group and then the second half was one long action scene of the entire cast vs the psychics in various ways. They get points for being competent and even being able to distract Hapxier with a manly pose-off. I don’t think they’d stand a chance against Eitarou’s group though. Takuto got some street cred for finally effectively using some battle magic. Ag and Gab were both surprisingly entertaining this episode as well. For that matter, Gabriel is a lot more stacked than I assumed she was. Important to note… I know.
*sigh* Only two episodes left.
Brief Summary:
Some seemingly mages/thieves cross paths with the vacationing Takuto et all and in the ensuing melee, end up capturing them in a spherical prison. The entire academy launched a counter attack, all in their own special ways. Stein had the best attack, managing to get the tsunderizing bunny ears onto the head enemy, but still getting blasted into oblivion for it. Solid Snake George also attempted to take out Suzuho in the confusion, only to be trod upon by Super Metallis X. Eitarou’s gang started crying tears of blood when one of the blasts knocked over ink and ruined the doujin they were working on far below the resort’s surface, hence the rise of Meganeus. After all that, the enemiess regroup and attack Takuto’s group in earnest. They get the upper hand and are about to blast Suzuho when she removes her ribbon to fight back, but that just reveals that they’re psychics, not mages and are unaffected, while both Falce and Tanarot are immediately taken down in their weakened states. The woman attacks Takuto, and Tanarot takes the shot for him. CLIFFHANGER.
Posted in Macademi WAsshoi! | 9 Comments »
Macademi WAsshoi is worth GOLD! Woots. ^_^