Kara no Kyoukai #04 — Purpose

December 16th, 2008


And other deep thoughts because I don’t have time to watch this.

You know, this has happened for every single Rakkyo release. I’m always busy on the days when they come out. I’m supposed to be picking someone up from the airport in about 20 minutes. Of course, since in the last year and a half of anime, Night Wizard has been the only Tuesday show I’ve enjoyed, I tend to not really allot time for dealing with anime stuff. Enough about my personal life though. There are burly men building strange apartments to gloss over.


So… yeah… I haven’t actually gotten the chance to sit down and really watch it yet. This is pretty much the story that defines a lot of Shiki’s general character though, so I’m already a lot more familiar with it than much of the rest (barring Araya’s story next movie), and besides, am actually pretty damn sick of Type-Moon due to… other matters (just two stages and the dictionary to go!). The story is basically a continuation of Shiki’s past and how she dealt with the loss of her male personality. Then they throw in an evil hospital ghost because… well… Shiki needs to kill something. Shiki learns that she feels alive again when she’s fighting and using her power and decides to join up with Touko because she’ll get to kill again.

I did flip through to check out what I felt should be some of the more interesting scenes. Granted, most of the story is supposed to take place in a hospital room with Shiki blindfolded, so expectations until the ghost showed up were relatively low. Touko’s rune magic was a bit weak looking, but she doesn’t really come into her own until the next chapter anyway. I wish they had shown more clearly that Shiki broke her finger when she traced the line on the corpse with it. It’s a bit easy to miss since it’s just a very small twitch in a scene with a lot of movement already, but at least it was there. It was a little bit shorter than I remembered these being  (37 minutes), though they did include a lead-in to the next chapter/previous chapter (hooray for anachronic story telling!) by showing Araya manipulating Fujino and the others after the credits ran, completely seperate from the preview for the next chapter.

So yeah… I’ve had a chance to watch about 6 minutes of it, and now I must be off to the airport. Looks as good as the rest though. Enjoy.



Unlimited Shirou Paradox Works.

Posted in Kara no Kyoukai | 4 Comments »

4 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • kearsie says:

    if I remember right, the rune Touko used for fire is actually used very often…it’s like an actual rune for fire.

    and inb4 return of ice cream.

  • setrajonas says:

    If anyone’s curious, it’s Ansuz, the same rune that Lancer uses in UBW.

  • FlameStrike says:

    Damn Shiki was really badass in the end. Then stabbing the ghosts out of her lol. Epic win

  • Totali says:

    rawr rawr zombies