ef ~ A Tale of Nonsense #10 — Rocks Fall; This Sucked

December 9th, 2008


I think I’ll ramble on about unrelated matters instead.

First off, tonight’s Heroes was pretty damn awesome. Not that this season has been terrible, but it’s been pretty underwhelming for the most part. Entertaining enough, but not that great. Better than the second by far, but still didn’t really have the mojo of the first. Sylar and that birthday cake though… absolutely priceless. Just… priceless.

Second, I do not give a crap about this stupid Touhou anime. It’s not the first, hiring VAs for doujin stuff isn’t anything new or special, the animation isn’t even close to the Aquastyle stuff, and there’s a reason that music remix groups remix music and not make anime.

Third, Last Remnant is a really fun game. Don’t let those crazies put you off about load times or frame rate or stuff. It’s been silky smooth for me. I don’t even have time to read the useful little load screen tips, which would be useful since the documentation is lacking. Of course, I installed it to the hard drive, but it’s everything that I wished Final Fantasy XII had been. Also, Baulson is totally the Last Remnant.

Sorry, anything to avoid talking about this horrific… ugh…


Let me get this straight. After all this rape and martyr and little sister business… Yuko was killed in a hit and run by a random stranger? What the hell was the point of this arc? What the hell was the point of any of this? What the hell? Most of the episode was about Yuko and Yuu getting on with their lives and planning Christmas. Oh hey, a happy ending… good for them, and they even meet and befriend this strange little girl named Mizuki who then gets a ribbon from wandering pedophile minstrel Kuze. 

And then Yuko gets hit by a car and dies.


That’s the story for Yuko’s arc.

Life sucks, and then you get run over.

It’s deep because everything was in black and white and there was no OP.

Don’t you see?


I’ll admit, Yuko’s death scene was pretty nicely done and touching if you completely forget that there were some 9 odd completely unrelated episodes leading up to it and there was absolutely no meaning whatsoever. Oopsies! So much for a coherent narrative! I think playing the OP as Yuu found her was a bit much, as was the overly dramatic "carry her off into the sunset for 90 seconds while the credits roll," but hey… I was alternatively feeling bad about it and laughing at the sheer ridiculousness.

Who am I kidding? I’ll see you next week to mock the revelation that Mizuki is Mizuki and she’ll return her ribbon to Kohaku Kuze and then go kill a Dead Apostle.

Hey. I’m allowed to hope.

Posted in ef | 20 Comments »

20 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • Sterling01 says:

    I think the whole point of Yuuko’s arc was that life sucks.
    Though Heroes was really awesome tonight.

  • Aroduc says:


  • Kresnik says:

    What, the whole episode is in monochrome? The coloring staff must be lazing off.

  • Anonymous says:


  • shh227 says:

    Its like the old saying

    Life sucks… and then you die!

  • Cool_Dawg says:

    What’s the matter? Too CRAPPY for you?

  • FF says:

    Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful episode. Everything comes in a circle this episode:

    1) Yuuko repeating her God is cruel speech, and as an answer, Yuu’s newfound determination to create a safe place with his own hands, i.e. him becoming an architect and creating the Australian Otowa city, presumably an earthquake-resistant city (even if an earthquake only occurs once per 100 years there)

    2) The melody that Kuze played led Yuuko to tell the truth to Yuu and start the process of restoring her happiness. Yuuko gave lyrics to it and passed it on to Miki/Mizuki, as part of restoring her ability to link with other people. And soon we will see the melody come full circle, as Mizuki passes the song back to Kuze, inspiring him to continue to live strongly while he can.

    3) The ribbon that we’ve been seeing Mizuki wear all along was a present from Kuze. What’s the bet Mizuki will let her hair down and give it back to Kuze next episode as well?

    The bonding between Yuuko and Miki was finely done, especially the dialogue with Yuuko cleverly disarming Miki’s resistance, and the music was excellent throughout the entire time.

    Yuuko said a few episodes back that she could not see a future for herself. So it may very well be that in the last episode the written form of Miki, “Mirai,” will make its thematic significance felt.

  • kokoro says:

    FF, nicely said.

  • Totali says:

    but it is deep ;(

  • mango says:

    to be honest, i didn’t find that this ep sucked at all. just tells of how life can be cruel just as it can be good sometimes. yuuko’s death scene was sad beyond words to me.

  • Newprimus says:

    I’m not watching this series to be honest, but does that car accident take place in the past or the present? I mean I don’t see Yuu with glasses. So did Yuko survive or is she a ghost or….. oh wait, this is ef. It’s not supposed to make sense.

  • shuffleair says:

    Lucky. I want to play Last Remnant so bad, but I’ll make due since Persona 4 comes out today. :)

  • Aroduc says:

    I’ve already played a chunk of P4, so I’m okay to wait for it until Christmas. Just remember to give Rise all the attention that she deserves.

  • jeffng9 says:

    seriously? seriously?
    i can’t really believe it..

  • Tensho says:

    What’s so suck about Yuuko’s death. We know she has been death anyway back in ef-memo.

  • Pyro says:

    This episode was good, but rushed. See FF for reasons why. Yuuko obviously had to meet an end, and hey, car accidents are the most common kind. Honestly the pointlessness of it makes it more brutal.

    Last Remnant is a horrible game that has a crappy plot (one spoilertastic midgame scene aside), a clunky battle system that has way too much “Sit around and watch actions resolve for a few minutes”, a total lack of player control, and even off the hard drive load times are a nuisance if you are trying to go from place to place. Also the desert. To hell with that place.

    Though Baulson being the Last Remnant would be awesome, even if a little girl beats him out for HP.

  • Water_and_Wind says:

    The real point of this episode: Don’t run in the middle of the road, especially with all the Christmas traffic. How did Yuuko end up beside the tree anyway?

  • chad001 says:

    um… is it just me, or did I see Yuuko SO MANY DAMN TIMES IN S1?!?!?!!?!??! HOW THE **** DID SHE DIE?!?!?!?! (Excuse the ranting, but I hate it when an abused character, that SOME people, start to hate less, is suddenly killed, or abused further, loses, or ——-> APPEARS <—– dead)

  • chad001 says:

    lol, I might get Last Remnant when it comes to PS3, but I can guarantee I will be happy, so long as I get to use the huge cannon known as GAE BOLG, I mean, who wouldn’t be?

  • surruk says:

    [>> ITS A QUOTE!!!] (Kresnik) What, the whole episode is in monochrome? The coloring staff must be lazing off. [END OF SAID QUOTE]

    if thats what you think the lack of color is about then you have missed pretty much all of both EF series / seasons. EF is different from almost all other series in that most of the points are conveyed through motifs and symbolism rather than dialogue. there are reasons for the lack of color in this episode as there are reasons for most all of the “unusual” visual themes in both memories and melodies.

    anyone interested in actually understanding the visual techniques used throughout EF should have a quick read of this. i didnt write it, but i found it after starting EF and deciding it was shit, i was an ignorant fool who thought that the swap to surreal silhouettes was due to a lack of budget rather than a key visual indicator. reading this gave me a whole new way of watching all shows, not just EF.

