A Brief Comment on Megiddo

December 26th, 2008

Leaf’s Megiddo came out today, and while I was looking forward to playing it (and still am), unfortunately, the 3D is waaaaaaaaaaaaay too much for my poor laptop, making this the first and only visual novel to give it any issues ever. Way to go Leaf. I won’t have access to another computer to install this on for at least a couple weeks, and by then, there will be plenty of other things to talk about, so it’ll likely get pushed back. I will say that they earn points for including a ‘Battle’ option to play just through the RPG portions, but that gets taken right away by forcing you to sit through a few minutes of unskippable exposition at the start. Somebody needs to explain ‘speed’ to them.

So, anyway… if you were interested in Leaf’s new game, it’s finally out after about four delays… and everything about it indicates that it should be much much better than Tears to Tiara. I’m still not sold on using 3D models instead of art for the characters, but when things are going at 3 FPS, it’s hard to really get a good grasp of anything. I’m sure Hemisphere and others will have something a little more substantive to say within a few days, so if you’re interested, keep an eye out.

Posted in Anime | 4 Comments »

4 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • DmonHiro says:

    I’ve been playing this all day. It’s FF X level, I’m telling you. The 3D is awesome, and does not lose it’s 2D moe :D. Also, the game takes less space because of compressed textures. The downside is that not all VGA have this ability. I love the characters, and the battle system is JUST like Final Fantasy.

  • Hibiki says:

    I wish I can read Japs

  • Kaisos says:

    Looks a hell of a lot like a Tales game. Awesome.

    Now I really wish I spoke moon… hope someone translates this eventually.

  • blitz says:

    yeah, maybe aroduc can help with the translation…. :p
    I don’t know the functions with each item….
    just trial n error…