Hellsing Ultimate #05 — They Spent 10 Months on This?

November 24th, 2008


That’s… miserable.

I felt bad watching this OVA in 320×240 for about the first 20 minutes. Then I realized that it was going to be nothing but setup and my guilt drifted away. I don’t think a better raw would have improved my enjoyment of this one in the slightest.


10 months.

10 goddamned months for an episode with about 3 minutes of silly Alucardness at the start, no Seras at all, and about 5 minutes of Integra and Walter. Of the remaining 32 or so minutes, about 20 of them were spent giving speeches, leaving 10 minutes of Nazi vampires killing civilians and Iscariot forces killing nazi vampires. To give credit where credit is due, the helpless civilians put up a lot more of a fight than the Nazi vampires did. At least they ran around and shot back instead of standing there like morons while getting filled with knives. Really though, a full quarter of the episode went by just listening the Major rant and rave from his blimp.

In about the same span of time, UFOTable made three Rakkyo movies… and stayed on schedule the entire time. What the hell, Madhouse? People conceived children, carried them to full term, and conceived another child in the span of time it took you to produce this one episode…. where nothing really happened. Sure, some random guy died and London was invaded. That ranks about a 1/10 on the Interesting-o-meter(tm). At least next episode we should get to see some actually fighting instead of a bunch of shots of bodies exploding in blood. It certainly can’t be any worse at any rate. We’ll find out after it airs… which’ll probably be in 2010 at the rate they’re falling behind on these damn things.

Posted in Hellsing | 6 Comments »

6 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • setrajonas says:

    Integra glamoured by all the great things she’s missed in the past 10 months.

  • hotlolisex says:

    In all fairness, the reason it took so long was probably because they were waiting for the manga to move along.

  • Necromancer says:

    I thought the reason it took so long was Madhouse taking over from Satelight on the production/animation?

  • Anonymous says:

    At least it still looks nice!

  • PeachyZutto says:

    I for one am VERY disappointed….I know the show is called Hellsing, but Hellsing with no Seras and only about three minutes of Alucard is NOT Hellsing at all. Tsk. Tsk.

  • Nebulis says:

    Well I thought it was good, nice change of pace, and some people do want to know more about the story, and information, this isn’t DBZ damn it. Got a better story, least these people have a reason to fight. Damn! Just enjoy what you got. What ever the reason it took so long it doesn’t matter, not like it killed you to wait, it’s hear now. Watch, enjoy another chapter of Hellsing, and wait for the next episode. Simple.

    Ps. I thought it was very bold to have even made an episode like this, it was cleaver, and offers details into the story.