Sekirei #07 — Two More Down… 104 to Go
August 13th, 2008
Well, I suppose if a sekirei team can win, then it’s only 100.
I don’t know… after all the Tsukiumi amusement last episode, this one just seemed a bit lackluster. Things are still inexorably marching forward at least, with no real clear destination in sight. I should probably stop complaining about that at some point, but whatever. I wish Karasuba had done something more than show up, glare menacingly, drop some plot points that were pretty obvious already, kill a grunt and then wander off again. What was the point of that? Are we even going to see her again for the next month or so? We got to see Uzume a totally mysterious veiled sekirei that we have no idea who it is take down some poor wannabe Ciel, but for this sekirei plan going into overdrive and the combat supposedly heating up, there was quite a number of sekirei just standing around, glaring at Karasuba.
They really are a rather lazy bunch when it comes to fighting and reaching their ultimate dreams. I can understand that some of them would rather hide out and wait for the others to get themselves killed, but given the number wandering around in broad daylight or prowling the rooftops, you’d expect a little more infighting. I don’t think you can swing a dead cat in the city without clobbering a sekirei. They all seem to love attacking Kagari though. Weirdos.
Brief Summary:
Quick flashback to Super Sentai Professor discovering an alien ship filled with women in stasis. Whoever could they be!?
Minato’s had another sleepless night being glomped by all his sekirei at once. Miya’s had enough of this nonsense, so divides them all into seperate rooms. As Tsukiumi storms around, she runs into Homura again and gives him another suspicious look. A little later, Karasuba stops by to visit Musubi. The two are apparently old friends, though Matsu cowers from her. Karasuba makes some oblique references to a promise the two made and remarks that Musubi really does remind her of Yume. Gee, and the two only look exactly the same. I can’t imagine why. Karasuba eventually wanders off, giving Kagari an evil glance as she leaves.
On her way out, she runs into Miya and the two immediately go at it. Miya’s just got a raddish though, no sword, so Karasuba lets sekirei #01 off the hook and wanders away again. She is a bit ticked though, and when she comes across the whip/ice sekirei from previous episodes, she takes it out on them, slashing up whip girl in an instant before ice girl runs away. See, I knew there was no point in learning her name.
Minato and Musubi have another heart to heart where she tells him about her promise with Karasuba. A promise between sekirei to win, blah blah blah. Yawn.
Yukari has dressed Shiina up like a little victorian girl and is parading him around the streets. All that’s missing is a leash. Another sekirei/ashikabi take note and interest in the pair.
Musubi has conned Tsukiumi into a maid dress when Miya gets home, but Miya just tricks the two into going out shopping for her.
Elsewhere, a sekirei in a veil battles a sekirei with the power of being a lame Ciel knockoff small knives and sucking. The veil sekirei easily beats the other one and removes her mark.
Another sekirei (Kazehana) gets drunk and enjoys the wind atop a high building.
Who are these people and why is Ku dressed up like a rat?
Posted in Sekirei | 10 Comments »
They are the people Minato is going to help escape, and the reason for a MAJOR ass-kicking battle on the bridge. kuu is dressed as a rat….because Uzume has many wierd costumes