Penguin Girl ♥ NicoNico #10 — Yes… AGAIN | Downtime Later Tonight
August 8th, 2008
So, counting the first broadcast of this episode, the ‘practice’ run for terrestrial broadcast, the ‘real’ run for the terrestrial broadcast, and now this… the terrestrial broadcast with the NicoNico comments hardcoded in (plus product advertisements at the end), we’ve now reached a full month of seeing episode 10. If you’ll excuse me, I need to slam my hand in a car door a few times until it overwhelms this pain.
Oh yeah, and there may be some down time or wackyness tonight around midnight PST as I mess around with a few things on the server side of stuff which will probably cause things to break for at least some time.
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Posted in Penguin Girl | 1 Comment »
What’s wrong with airing the trap episode over and over again? ãˆãˆãˆãˆãˆãˆãˆãˆãˆãˆãˆãˆãˆãˆãˆãˆãˆãˆãˆãˆãˆãˆãˆãˆ