Sekirei #04 — Gleep! Squee! EEEP!
July 23rd, 2008
And various noises.
I don’t know, something about other sekirei and Yukari running across Kusano’s close friend/quasi-sibling, a sekirei that drains the life out of trees named Shiina, but all I can remember is Kusano gleeping and glorting during Musubi’s sparring with Miya. Also, her whimpering at Seo and her dressing up like a wagtail (‘sekirei’ is the Japanese name for the wagtails). I don’t think there’s any question here that Kusano stole the show, hook, line, and sinker. Who could stand against that? It’s all the hauhau power of Becky with the vine strangulations of Suisei Seki.
More seriously, the rest of the episode was rather solid as well. I really loved the piano version of the OP theme they used for the Musubi/Minato bonding scene, and I found Yukari’s "ZOMG, A BISHOUNEN!" to be rather funny. As was Minato’s "Who is it? … Who is it? !!! Seriously! Who are you!?" at the very end. I also found the steam censorship very funny this episode. It wasn’t a solid block of white as it was in episode two, but drifting clouds of steam that would pass the nipple at the very moment Musubi’s head would turn. Matsu did caress herself a little bit too much though. She definitely needs to get out of that room a bit more. I do know that Yukari is more deeply entwined with the whole sekirei thing than this episode let on, but she’s picked up her bishounen sekirei that has an insatiable appetite for trees. Captain Planet’s gotta be pissed about that one.
Brief Summary:
The sekirei, Shiina, goes to Kusano’s old tree, and uses his energy to drain the life out of the entire forest while other sekirei with special interest in Minato and Musubi lurk nearby.
The next day, Kusano is in tears and tells Minato about her friend, Shi-chan, whose powers are oppposite of hers, but they were close anyway. Minato reassures her before going off to work. Kusano and Uzume watch Miya spar with Musubi, Kusano vaguely terrified by the entire process, but refuses to go watch TV instead when Uzume suggests it.
At work, Minato finds out that Seo has quit, but as it turns out, he’s waiting for Minato back at the apartments. He’s an old friend of Miya. Seo just came to check on/harass Kusano a little bit and give Minato his card. They’ll solve problems… for a nominal fee of course. After he leaves, Musubi and Uzume have a bath challenge before a little talk about sekireiness. After everybody goes to sleep, Kusano gets up to use the bathroom and sees an evil woman lurking behind her. She rushes into Minato’s bed and tells him about the ghost, but they can’t find anything.
They tell Uzume and Miya about it in the morning, and Miya warns Uzume not to say anything. Miya leaves to run errands, so everybody just screws around. Uzume dresses up Musubi like a waitress and Kusano like a wagtail before they stuff themselves silly on curry.
Yukari’s lost in town looking for Minato’s new home and bumps into the LEGENDARY BISHOUNEN. He’s being attacked by a whip wielding sekirei, so she grabs him and runs to safety.
Musubi and Minato get some alone time, where Musubi tells him that when a sekirei loses, they lose the right to be with their ashikabi. Minato’s distressed, but she also says that those that win get to be with them forever, so she’ll never lose. Miya comes home and sends Musubi out shopping, but the ‘ghost’ girl has thought about what Musubi said to Minato and classifies her as an enemy. An orbital satellite starts raining down lasers on Musubi. She then follows Minato into the bath and drops her towel.
The water sekirei appears.
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