Kyouran Kazoku Nikki #05 — Kokomo
May 11th, 2008
We’ll get there fast and then we’ll take it slow.
Just a quick writeup this time. The raw appeared especially late, throwing my precious precious schedule into chaos… and then SmartFTP decided to completely crap out on me and crash instead of uploading files… so here we are, about 40 minutes later and a brand new FTP client which doesn’t think that I have an images directory. Yeah, this day has progressed well.
Anyway, a pretty fun episode that only had a few minor inklings of "Being a chld of X is sooooooooooooo hard." Yuka’s been kidnapped/harassed again though, and while the school bullies didn’t follow them to the island, it already came with pedophillic albino gorillas. Yeah, they’re probably being mindcontrolled, but come one… Chika’s a far far more attractive target no matter how you slice it. Speaking of her, we got her ED on the main broadcast this week as well.
I did laugh at a few parts. The Pierre part was sufficiently weird and silly enough to amuse me, and when Kyouka/Ouka busted out of the window and posed, I admit that I chuckled. A catgirl dressed in pink does not come off as menacing. I’m surprised that Kyouka didn’t completely lose it after being physically beaten quite a bit this episode too. First Ouka smacked her, then a gorilla slammed her against a wall. Violence against catgirls is a sad sad thing. I’m not really sure what to make of Ouka’s tragic past or whatever the hell that dream was supposed to be. I think I’d actually be a little disappointed if he was one of Enka’s descendants as well, but I’m hoping it’s more of a premonition than a flashback.
Chika ED
Quick Summary:
Kyouka pulls Ouka out of bed and drags him off onto the vacation. They end up alone on an island after Kyouka hijacks the jet and crashes it. Hyouka and Yuka quickly join them, followed by the rest of the family, and the vacation is on. Kyouka immediately does get a bit annoyed at Ouka for not hitting on her and acting like a lovestruck husband, but he reminds her that while he doesn’t love her, he does like her. Catgirl blushing ensues.
At night, they set off through the wilderness and find a mysterious hotel with a klutzy bellhop managing the whole thing that Kyouka decides is named Pierre.. despite being a girl. Later, she and Ouka chatter onward about Kyouka and life in general… turning to the mysteries of the island. Mysterious people lurk in the shadows.
Ouka has a horrible nightmare. He was a child and hurt badly, bleeding. Then he’s adult and a dragon is laying waste. A god of death. Punishment has come to him. A klaxon sounds, jerking him out of his sleep. Hyouka’s waiting for him at the door. The hotel’s under attack. Hyouka has come to him first to ask for permission to attack… and kill whoever’s attacking them. Ouka forbids it, and the two run off to find the rest. Protecting them is the top priority.
Kyouka’s just up late watching love stories with headphones on and acting out every part herself. Ouka smacks her, but she pretends that Ouka say her GIRLISH SECRET. She finally pulls off her earphones and hears the klaxons. Yuka’s scream rings out. The two break out the window and find the courtyard full of albino gorillas. They’ve got Yuka. Kyouka tries to jump after her, but the gorillas punch her. Kyouka senses something strange from them. Then the gorilla with Yuka sprouts a jetpack and flies away while they watch helplessly.
Yuka waits alone in a dungeon, but Gekka flies in and glomps her. The gorillas come into the cell, but they’re friendly now and have bananas for her.
Pierre discusses the situation with the rest. Kyouka’s ready to use her usual plan, but Ouka’s not fully on board this time. Kyouka puts her foot down and says its their duty to rescue their important daughter. And of course, she can use her cellphone telepathy to find Yuka. She makes contact with Yuka, but as it turns out, Yuka is being treated as a princess by the apes. Yuka asks them to be let out and they let her run off without argument… but then plot afterwards.
Yuka runs around until she finds a window… she’s a few thousand feet above the island on a flying castle thingy. Looks like saving her won’t be so easy. Yuka accidentally touches a crystal and it glows. She finds a room with a tiny old man hooked up to equipment.
Resuce Yuka Plan #4
Posted in Kyouran Kazoku Nikki | 1 Comment »
Well from the Light novel… let’s just say Ouka has a very fucked up childhood. He doesn’t even know if Ouka is his real name