Kyouran Kazoku Nikki #01 — World Domination
April 12th, 2008
Isn’t that what Tenka Seiha is all about?
I feel like exhausted after watching this. Kyouka is just so full of boundless energy, or perhaps ADHD that my brain feels overwhelmed by the endless stream of words pouring from her mouth. She also has a Tendencey to Speak in a Sing song Fashion which Makes it Very difficult to Listen to. The plot… or whatever passes for one… also cruised along rather quickly in this first episode. It took about 5 minutes before Ouka was married to Kyouka (yeah, the names are that confusing) and then the competition to find the rest of the ‘family’ was on.
What I really like about the show is that a lot of the humor is incidental to what’s going on. While there’s exposition about the plot of the whole thing, the two are passing back and forth Kyouka’s horrible foodstuff, which is talking and occasionally squirting crap at them. They do overplay the joke after a little bit, but I was got a chuckle out of it at the start. The art is a little on the rough side, but it’s fairly well animated otherwise. The music is… well… watch the OP and ED for yourselves. After the ED finished, I’m pretty sure I could taste purple. I’m not even sure what that means. I feel like I’ve lost something precious to me, my mind.
The end result is that I feel like I’ve been put through the wringer by this show. It was fun, but Kyouka is mentally exhausting to keep up with. The premise and the cast is a lot of fun, so I’m probably going to be sticking with this one (barring Chico wowing me, which is distinctly possible). Still, I could understand if anybody felt overwhelmed by the show. It’s not the wackiness that Shaft puts out, but it’s a barrage of energy crammed down your throat that could just as easily drive people away for its ADHD antics.
Ouka meets his new family.
Posted in Kyouran Kazoku Nikki | 8 Comments »
ooo this show looks hilarious