Minami-ke Okawari #09 — Dream a Little Dream

March 2nd, 2008


An all-female Makoto? Scary.

First off, Rental Magica and (maybe) Mnemosyne are going to have to wait until tomorrow. A.) Spending 6 hours herding a pair of two year olds around touches all the stress nodes in the human body that as a bachelor, I’m not even supposed to have and now I’m absolutely mentally exhausted and B.) I’m told it’s terrible. Addie needs to marry a magician for her succession, and because Itsuki’s not technically a mage, she ends up marrying Honami… and Itsuki uses his eye to make the squabbling wedding guests fall in line or something. My brain shuts down simply trying to process that. I’m sure I’ll have some choice sarcastic bile in the morning.


Parts of this episode had a very distinct Shaft feel just for how strange they were. Kana’s dream sequence of a tiny 100% female Makoto while bathing in soup and then being attacked with Chiaki was one thing, then her video game illusions with the giant crying octopus aliens… certainly not normal Minami-ke faire. I think they’re trying to be make a dramatic arc or something to end the series and that confuses me. One of the faceless teachers took Haruka aside and invited her to go visit faroff lands, meet interesting people, and kill them study abroad, and then the rest of the episode had random shots of her looking thoughtful. Makoto made a triumphant return to the Minami household, but Kana immediately knocked him over and one faceful of Chiaki’s panties later and Mako-chan had to take his place once he was thrown out.

The end of the episode was also a bit weird, especially for Minami-ke. Chiaki had a pair of hair antenna instead of her normal one. Her antenna was also unusually lively this episode, twitching when she was sleeping, studying, and almost every time the camera was on her for that matter. There was also some bonus Hosaka at the end, and you know what they say… "any Hosaka is good Hosaka." Sure, he got shining wizarded in the back, but not until he managed to almost get his shirt off and take back Haruka’s lunch for her honor and glory.



Posted in Minami-ke | 9 Comments »

9 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • Haesslich says:

    Yup. The picture that broke Jason’s mind. And that last shot in the preview seems to suggest Mako-chan’s supremely broken too.

    By the way… did I read it right and did Yoshino not only realize who Mako-chan is, but put on that Bible Black face while he was panicking over where his hand went, as ‘they were all girls’?

  • Haesslich says:

    You did miss the old-style first-season eyecatch just before the Hosaka bit, though.

    By the way… here’s the full Hosaka shot, after Hayami-senpai tackles him.


  • Aroduc says:

    I was sort of nodding off through a lot of it, but I’m pretty sure that Yoshino didn’t figure out that Mako=Makoto… she was just reacting to him spazzing out combined with Makoto’s own nervousness.

    And fine fine, here’s your Hosaka/Hayami eyecatch. ^^;

  • Haesslich says:

    I have that shot uploaded onto the Intarweb too… but figured you’d want to do it. As I said, I broke another blogger with that first shot last night.

    Yoshino’s Bible Black face is horribly cute.. and Chiaki’s Haruka-banchou voice is… very mature. I swear, with next week’s preview, Mako-chan… just looks very, very broken.

  • Demon Eyes says:

    Ah, babies…I feel your pain.

    /q/My brain shuts down simply trying to process that. I’m sure I’ll have some choice sarcastic bile in the morning./q/

    Surely, you can’t be serious…ly telling me you’re against that…

    HonamixAddie wedding I mean…

    As for topic, am I the only one falling more and more for Kana?

    That girl is awesome!

  • Shinji103 says:

    Y’know, this mecha actually looks pretty cool….


  • Ninomiya-kun says:


    More like scary HOT.

  • Haesslich says:

    It looks like a the ARX-7 Arbalest, save for the shoulders which are more Gundam-esque…

  • Haesslich says:

    Ninomiya-kun: Makoto is in Chiaki’s class… in elementary school. That’s goddamned scary right there. Now, Haruka is scarily hot. That’s just scary, in a ‘even Kodomo no Jikan wouldn’t touch this topic’ sorta scary.