Zoku Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei #02 — Momomoaripopon!
January 12th, 2008
Oh god, this episode was wonderful. The entire first half was done in some crazy gibberish while a foreigner dressed in what appeared to be partially French military costume rampaged around. I lost it when he grabbed Kaere and held her upside down to check out her underwear… then when chastised went straight for a guy’s pants.
The gibberish + subtitles routine does get dropped at 9 minutes for a more normal remainder of the show about art in general before spending about five minutes making puns on ‘kyuu.’ Don’t get me wrong, those parts were fine, but they really don’t compare to the normal ridiculousness of Zetsubou Sensei while delivered in complete gibberish. I love you and your crazy antics, Shaft. Please, never change.
Posted in Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei | 7 Comments »
This looks legendary.