Amazing Healing Love #14 — Anata wo… Hannin Desu

January 16th, 2008


What show is this again?

Yes, I’m aware that "anata wo hannin desu" is not a sensical phrase. It’s a reference to a grammatical error in Tsukihime.


I’m a a little slow watching this one… but whatever…

Don’t get me wrong, this episode greatly entertained me. There was a robot doppelganger, a magical girl transformation scene, a manly chestless shirt, lots of shakey-cam action, Hisui-style finger pointing, brainwashed combat Sanae, and at the end, she was healed by the power of love. Sure, it’s not quite the same as the rollerskating heat-seeking zombies, but hell, this sure beats the pants off the normal "Mayuki drinks tea, uses tea to solve crime, eludes zombies" formula.

Robot vs Magical Girl vs Doll vs Manly Chests vs Byakku

Posted in Labyrinth | 2 Comments »

2 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • Hinano says:

    agahahahahaha whaaaat the shota turned into Yako from Nogami Neuro!!

    Hannin wa OMAE DA! xDDDDDDDDDD

  • Shiki says:

    For some strange reason, I… I feel compelled to go out and commit a some kind of crime.