Shakugan no Shana II #12 — Chocolate Bread Pudding

December 20th, 2007

Take notes.


  • Melt 1 pound semi-sweet chocolate chips in 4 cups milk and 1/2 cup butter.
  • Mix 6 eggs with 1/2 cup of sugar and a couple splashes of vanilla extract.
  • Shred 1 loaf of french bread into a greased baking pan.
  • Mix all three together and let sit for about an hour.
  • Bake at 375o for 40 minutes to an hour (until you can insert a knife cleanly).
  • Serve warm with vanilla ice cream.

Oh, what? Shana? Sorry, my bread pudding seemed more important. And delicious.

Here, let me summarize the episode:

Nothing happens…

Nothing happens…

Nothing happens…

Nothing happens…

Pheles shows up.

Show takes two weeks off for the holidays.

To save anybody else the hassle of sitting through this, I’ve gone ahead and ripped out the entirety of the interesting portion. That’s right. Under a minute. I can’t make this up. You can also laugh at the awful background vocals singing her name. And now, no more Shana until January 10th. Two episodes to deal with one antagonist, ten more before the next one appears. At least I have delicious bread pudding in the oven. Oh man… it’s going to be so good.

Oh, and make sure that you melt the chocolate on low heat (or just use a double boiler). Even in the milk/butter, it still burns easily.

The Most Exciting Thing to Happen to Yuuji Since Episode 2

Posted in Shana | 15 Comments »

15 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • Di Gi Kazune says:

    Wilhemina should actually be running a maidcafe. Margery wouldn’t look to bad as a maid either… Wait… I’ve seen her in maid outfit and she’s hot. With Tiamat.

  • AGear_to_Ax says:

    Finally Pheles is here!!!!!! I hope things will be better with she now showed up. By the way, what exactly happens, I see I girl touching Yuuji and that “summons” Pheles, what was that?, I don’t understand.

  • Fallen Aizen says:

    Interesting, Pheles has her own song. Songs weird as hell. I think the girl touching Yuji’s hand was actually Shana.

  • Fallen Aizen says:

    Ah wait, nevermind. Shana’s wearing red. Now I’m as confused as AGear.

  • Ronin8317 says:

    Anyone want to bet that the first half of eps 13 will be a long recap? :-P

    Having read the novel to volume 16, my hope of seeing Yuuji kicking butt and proclaiming to Shana “I will protect you” is dashed. Season 2 is mostly filler. To quote from Biblo, it’s “butter spread too thin on toast”.

  • Totali says:

    That bread sounds goooood.

  • Aroduc says:

    It’s not clear at all what’s up with that girl. Shana was up on stage about to say something about her and Yuuji, and then the girl brushed against him and Pheles erupted. There’s really no explaination above or beyond that.

  • dude says:

    The shana from last time also started off as fairly slow. So I really wasn’t surprised the same happened with season 2

  • kagome2002 says:

    where I cant fine the novel, weth yuji confess to shana and shaha to yuji.

  • Inuyashagirl7692 says:

    Please let Yuuji kick butt and say “I will protect you” to Shana! That, and when they confess to each other would make up for every filler they’ve thrown at me!

  • AGear_to_Ax says:

    Now I understand a little more, The girl doesn’t have anything special, it’s her pink ribbons, maybe that pink ribbons are “Kaze no Tenrin”, a Pheles Unrestricted Method for searching Johan.

  • Tensho says:

    This season is kinda more romance oriented than action oriented, I guess.

  • […] I’m impressed by her hot bod, green hair and imperious look-down-on-everyone-else gaze. Tried and failed miserably to put together a composition pic to showcase said hot bod. Aroduc has made a nice, convenient video excerpt: The Most Exciting Thing to Happen to Yuuji Since Episode 2 […]

  • miden says:

    yes like what tensho says :p yay for pheles to show up muahahahaha!

  • Revolver #9 says:

    “It’s not clear at all what’s up with that girl. Shana was up on stage about to say something about her and Yuuji, and then the girl brushed against him and Pheles erupted. There’s really no explaination above or beyond that.”

    Well, the main point wasn’t in that scene in specific. Pheles had been scanning a vast area as she was approaching to the Reiji Maigo, and everytime someone touched hands throughout the episode, in a similar manner she used to do with Johan, her lover, she sensed a kind of pulse or something similar, and went in the direction of the source, one after another. And of the random people touching hands, that girl in the end accidentally touched the container of the Reiji Maigo himself, and Pheles must have had received one hell of a pulse, and arrived. I think.