Shakugan no Shana II #04 — School Girl Drama!

October 25th, 2007


What ever happened to the declaration of war 3 episodes ago?


Hec-onoe chums up to Yuji a bit more and instead of being pissy about girls getting close to him like they usually are, Shana and Yoshida decide to be depressed and boring. What ever happened to the fiery annoyance that colored the entire first season? Poof. I also find it amusing that half the characters call Shana by her name and the other half call her Yukari Hirai. They really need to collapse this Schrodinger’s Name into one.

Anyway, not a particularly interesting episode at all. No action and a lot of out of character Shana and Yoshida. Literally only two episodes ago, the two responded to the other’s flirting with anger and attempts to choke Yuji on food. This episode, they feel sorry for themselves and go sit in a corner to write bad poetry. Unfortunately, the next episode looks to be more of the same, only with Shana moping in a bathtub. I thought we were finished with the awkward and disturbing loli fanservice. *sigh*

Shana, Konoe and Yuji walk to school together. Yuji makes small talk with her while Shana glares. In class the previous day, Konoe continues to have troubles picking out the right text book, so the teacher hands off the duties to Ike, but Konoe goes for Yuji instead. Likewise in the present, we see Konoe clinging to Yuji’s shirt as they walk.

Yoshida waits for them at the gate and greets each of them. They make small talk as well before Shana wanders off.

Their class is in charge of cleaning the pool today. Margery’s crones just observe from on high. Konoe starts chasing a butterfly without watching where she’s running and nearly runs right into the empty pool. Yoshida and Yuji save her from her own stupidity.

Ogata takes a hose to the slacking punks. Yuji moves Konoe into the pool where she won’t be a danger to herself and has her start mopping. Ogata runs over and uses Shana as a shield to prevent a Tanaka-revege hosing. Her bluff doesn’t work, though she and Shana dodge the hose, letting Konoe, Yuji and Yoshida get soaked instead. Tanaka continues with the hose and a merry water fight is had by all. Even Shana is smiling.

Everybody eats their lunch together. Tanaka makes fun of Yuji’s two lunchs. Konoe looks jealously at Yuji’s food, so Yuji offers to give her some. He hands it over and she starts muching on a sausage while Yuji moves onto the melon bread. Konoe wants a piece of that too. Yuji asks Shana if it’s okay, and she just says that it’s Yuji’s now, he can do with it as he pleases.

After school, they say goodbye to Yoshida. Ike comes up to her and says how nice it is for them and prods her into following them. Yoshida nods and trots off.

As they walk through town, Shana is annoyed that Yoshida and Konoe are hanging around them. Yoshida notices a ramen shop and wants to stop by. Shana notices that Konoe is missing. They see her walking far ahead of them. They run and catch up to her.

Shana chews her out for not paying attention. Konoe apologizes (calling her Shana, no less… hrm), then reattaches herself to Yuji. Shana starts to yell at her for that, but Yuji cuts her off. Konoe senses something and tugs on Yuji to follow him.

She leads them to a tree where a little bird flies down and alights on her hand.

Wilhelmina and Margery convene over the transfer student while Shana and Yuji train.

They don’t really say anything interesting aside from “man, it really looks like Hecate” and as long as they have the Reiji Maigo, they known that Bal Masque will eventually come. Margery does think that Yuji is getting better and stronger. Margery pours herself more Booze Brand Whiskey.

Yuji is annoyed that Shana’s training is especially harsh today. She’s got her mind on Konoe flirting with her. Alastor tells him to concentrate. He agrees and dodges her next attack while glowing to Shana’s surprise. She turns the stick around and swats his hand.

Alastor tells Yuji that he’s getting much stronger and learning to control his power of existence a lot more.

The next day, everybody except the extraneous flame hazes is at the ramen shop. They go in and are treated to giant bowls. Margery’s crones declare it to be a challenge and start digging in.

The girls have their own shaved ice and parfeits. Shana has a huge sundae all to herself. The boys keep eating, Shana moves on to a second sundae. Konoe falls asleep on the seat.

Yuji and whose-his-face finish their ramen at the same time while Shana starts on yet another sundae. They notice that Konoe is missing. They leave the shop and decide to search for her. They’re about to split up when Shana stops him and basically says that searching is useless. She says that she’s going home.

Yuji chases after her while she thinks about Konoe always attaching herself to him. Yuji tries to ask why she’s so angry, but Shana says she’s not. Yuji doesn’t get why Shana is annoyed despite Konoe not being a Tomogara. Shana runs off. Yoshida says that she thinks she understands.

Shana just keeps heading home while Yuji runs around the town looking for Konoe. Shana stops and turns around. Seeing nobody behind her, she continues home.

Konoe is in the same park where she had the bird. A cat runs off as Yuji approaches. She holds out her hands with an unconscious bird chick. The nest is on the ground. Yuji asks if she saved it from the cat. The bird flies back and nuzzles the chick. Yuji thinks again how similar Konoe is to Hecate.

He steps in close to her. Yoshida runs to the park entrance and sees them standing together. Yuji and Konoe just keep staring at the other. Both smile as the bird flies onto Yuji’s shoulder.

At night, Yoshida is preparing Yuji’s lunch. She drops a carrot and thinks about Konoe and him standing together. She hates the feeling this gives her.

Yuji waits on the balcony for a late Shana. Wilhelmina hops down and tells him that he’s with her tonight. Shana is hugging her knees and moping in her room.

The next day, the birds have a little house to replace the nest. Konoe and Yuji walk to school together without Shana. They come upon Yoshida on the way, who sees Konoe attached to him. Shana storms past, and Yoshida runs after her, leaving the two together.

At lunch, Ike hands off Yoshida’s lunch to Yuji. She’s feeling sorry for herself up on the roof. Shana joins her. Yuji eats lunch with the others whle thinking about what’s wrong with Shana.

Posted in Shana | 6 Comments »

6 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • Dangan says:

    Stupid Yuji, making Shana and Yoshida all upset.

  • reekon says:

    Thanks for the summaries.

    That helped a lot to make sense of the raws. (Couldn’t help to watch it despite understanding very little).

    I really think that cat is Sydonay. ;-)

  • Totali says:

    Dewd Aroduc do you not remember Shana and Kazumi’s gurl power alliance at the end of episode one? They’re were totally like…truce girl!!11

  • AGear_to_Ax says:

    Maybe this is stu**d, Is there a posibility that Konoe is the Green Haired woman in the opening?(the one that touch Yuji’s face)

  • Aroduc says:

    Her name is Pheles. And not to squelch speculation, but nah. Pheles has her own agenda.

  • CapoExecutor says:

    Konoe didn’t call her Shana before apologizing for wandering off. That was Yoshida. Look at the character’s mouths moving during that exchange of words and you’ll see that Yoshida physically said Shana-chan, not Konoe.