Tales of Symphonia OVA #2 — The Seals of Fire and Wind

August 12th, 2007

Obligatory ninja… get!

Sorry, no summary this time, something about flying out of 60 degree weather into 100 degree, and then back again, all on about 6 hours of sleep over three days has absolutely crushed my ability to function. I’m subsisting on sugar and hope at the moment.

Episode 2 takes us from where we left off, skips the extraneous and confusing Rebels/Desian capture of Lloyd, through the Fire Seal, skipping all the random side-event Desian/Human Ranch/Palmacoasta stuff, through the Wind Seal and to Busty Sheena joining.

I really am loving how well UFOTable adapted the characters. Colette is much less of an annoying an preachy bitch and a lot more of an adoreable moeblob. Sheena’s klutziness was also tossed by the wayside. It does look like they’re going to totally leave out pretty much all ExSphere stuff except for Lloyd’s though, which I’m more or less fine with. They didn’t make a damn bit of sense anyway. It’s not like Genis got any additional powers when he got his. They ended up as mostly just a silly plot device in the later going.

The fight scenes were also pretty decently done… as opposed to some OVAs out there that I can think of *cough cough* Murder Princess *cough*. It still remains something pretty obviously made for the fans of the game though, and I’m really not certain how much people who haven’t played it will enjoy it.

Posted in Tales of Symphonia | 3 Comments »

3 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • Anonymous says:


  • Anonymous says:

    I got mad cuzz i wanted lloyd n collete to kiss in da game lolz

  • Me says: