Zombie Loan #01 – Rent to Own

July 3rd, 2007

Just what I was hoping for… a timid girl with the eyes of death perception hunting zombies with the Fruits Basket pair. Great.


Wow, the OP sucks. It made me think of Tokyo Majin’s, but with an intern as acting director.

Predictable all the way. It’s all of about 5 seconds into the show before Kita runs headlong into the other two protagonists and then all of 30 seconds later when we get their fangirls giving us their life stories. I also really didn’t like Kita’s voice. There’s this nasally quality that didn’t seem to fit her at all.

The art was decent enough and even rather nice in a couple places, but the animation was piss poor. Plus, as soon as anything started happening in the foreground, the background immediately faded to gradients or speedlines. Hell, there was one point where words disappeared from a book page as it was being turned. The background music fit pretty well at least, but that’s about it really. Most of the thing reeks of run-of-the-mill generic shonen inaction… from being clubbed over the head with the premise and background in under two minutes, to the generic “you saw us fight a monster, ergo you must help us” paper-thin plot, to the Fruits Basket good boy/bad boy lead pair. 

Posted in Anime | 3 Comments »

3 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • Hidoshi says:

    With a name like “Zombie Loan”, I can’t say I’m surprised. Plus the art direction looks atrociously vanilla.

  • kiseki gurl says:

    I haven’t watched the episode yet but it seems as if it follows the manga. And the first manga was basically snoreville until the end.

  • Totali says:

    Oh come on! It was pretty cool! xD