Sky Girls #03 — Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Sky GirlS

July 19th, 2007

It’s like a time warp back to the start of last season… only with less action, more lolis, and scary exo-suits.


Well, I guess I’ll keep doing little posts on it for now. A training episode as the trio get used to their exo-suits. They even end up on a roller coaster as part of ‘training.’ Man, and you people were bitching about the target practice or sparring with Nanoha about being silly and bad. Anyway, very little happened this episode until the end, when Eika’s exo-suit went bonkers and Big Daddy Loli (I swear… Otoha-san still sounds like Otousan to me 9 times out of 10) had to take her virgin flight to go save her ass by dragging her through the ocean at a few hundred miles per hour and then backflopping onto a moving truck.

The episode was about as exciting as it sounds. At least in StrikerS, people were fighting eachother and fake enemies instead of ‘generic training mishap.’ At least the art remains really well done, even for JC Staff’s usual high standards. It’d be nice if there was eventually something to pay attention to above and beyond that though. Having them gratuitously prance around in their plugsuits for most of the episode wasn’t particularly pleasant either, though I suppose your mileage will vary. Next week… they go out of the town… I wonder if these bugs even exist anymore.

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