Tiger Mask W #01 — One Sleeper Hold Man

October 1st, 2016


That was the headline match?


No surprises here. Bottom budget, over-dramatized, and cliche as cliche gets. The big climactic fight at the end of the episode consisted of a sleeper hold, a counter-sleeper hold, a suplex, and then a kick, so there's not even that to entertain. All that remains then is the soap opera nonsense… in a medium where everything is already drawn out to hell… drawn out even further because they have to add announcers narrating things in addition to just the standard peanut gallery of characters narrating things on top of the self-narration. Nope, nope, nope.

Next Episode:

Tiger heads.

Posted in Anime | 2 Comments »

2 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • Sanjuro says:

    That sound when they grapple is horrible. Their skin must be made of hard leather.

  • The Phantom says:

    And the sad news is that this episode probably get the most budget so from now on expect everything to get worse.