Taboo Tattoo #09 — Assorted Naked Girls

August 29th, 2016

This may be the first royalty I've seen in Japanese media that dresses like an actual person.


Well, the obvious lightning pace helped things, but it still failed to make a case for why this couldn't just be something that Seigi/Izzie did and/or found out themselves in the present. Nor did it have much in the way of action scenes since it had to go through about five of them so they all got about ten seconds before it was off to more exposition and whatnot. And yet, there was also so much about this episode that I don't think I can explain without cliff notes. I still have only the vaguest idea of what the deal was with the supposedly blind guardian girl who may or may not have been opening her eyes and was dispatched with a punch to the gut and the singularly bizarre declaration that he had figured out her trick, and I couldn't tell you at all if being swallowed by a giant cube at the end means that the flashback is over or not. Sure, that beats clumsy exposition, but it's not like the 'plot' here was covering a lot of ground either.

And at the end of it, there wasn't even any grand reveal. Princess Fanservice is a super human that's the product of human exploitation and experimentation, and now she hates humans. Also, there are a bunch of nigh-identical versions of her that can't leave their lab for reasons that aren't actually explained at all. I get the radiation -> Godzilla thing, Japan, but I have to admit that the utter psychotic obsession with mad scientists exploiting teenagers to create super teenagers that want to remake the world still eludes me. Maybe it's just resentment from all the Japanese grandparents against their teenagers for not having enough sex and driving the birthrate down.

Posted in Taboo Tattoo | 4 Comments »

4 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • LUNI_TUNZ says:

    I’m having Chaika flashbacks.

    For a second I thought we were going to learn that the really helpful clone was actually Izzy, which would explain why her and Princess look so similar (and her really dumb name as her making it up, like Edward from Cowboy Bebop), that would at least make sense for them giving up an entire episode to flashbacks.

  • Neclord X says:

    “My dad decided to kill 3000 persons to create me”
    “I’ll avenge those persons wiping humanity from existence”

    Sounds legit to me.

  • Fadeway says:

    Wrong episode number?

  • Anonymous says:

    I think the guardian had to eat a new leaf everytime she opened her eye/needed to keep opening them. he blasted away all the leafs and she went down in 1 hit