Tales of Zestiria #03 — Random Women

July 25th, 2016


Can't wait to sit through long introductions to them now that they've been introduced.


Despite being the clear winner of the Sunday Suck-Off, most of this episode seemed designed around ufotable showing off their CGI, especially the creepy-ass people awkwardly shuffling around in the backgrounds like zombies. I also wonder how many episodes it'll be before I think "this should have probably been the first episode, and about half the length." Yeah, I'm sure that girl we spent a few minutes on will be important eventually, but she sure as hell wasn't this episode. Can't say the same for the dumbass board meeting of evil nobles though. They got the same thing across just fine later about not protecting her from assassins in approximately one line and 10 seconds of concerned staring.

It's also good thing they spaced out Jackass's presidential address for why he wants to be a hero with such things as Alishia panting and Mikelo putting out fires or we might have noticed that it was dragging on and utterly imbecilic. Then they had to double down on it with the standard Ben Parker speech before he flailed at the CGI bubble dragon wildly, which apparently works because the dragon's only attacks are to flail randomly at crowds. At least they're continuing to include and animate fights, even if they're only thirty seconds of non-bubble flailing, and cut away from them to listen to the peanut gallery jabber while also having bizarrely talkative assassins who stop and explain things to the people they're about to kill while bubble dragons rampage overhead. I'm surprised they could even talk at all over the screaming opera in the background. 

Posted in Tales of Zestiria | 3 Comments »

3 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • Tiresias says:

    The last half of the episode had me screaming “GET ON WITH IT” over and over.

  • The Phantom says:

    They kinda overdid it with the CGI specially bubble dragon, but alas this is the best looking show of the season, by a mile.

    Bandai Scamco is probably pouring money into the studio, maybe they want to raise game sales a bit? is not exactly new so not sure.

    I’m meanwhile enjoying the show visuals, I just don’t expect anything else here.

    • Ashlotte says:

      No coincidence this show is airing just as Berseria is coming out or that they slotted that games protag into this show.

      But hey if Bamco wants to bankroll some pretty animation I ain’t gonna argue!