Tales of Zestiria #02 — Call to Adventure

July 17th, 2016


Well, at least it's a formula instead of white noise.


This makes a somewhat stronger case for itself than Macross did, mostly on the back of one minute of an excellently-done fight and being formulaic as hell, but a fomula that is actually (theoretically) finally setting us up for the grand adventure. It's a problem that we're only getting the Refusal of the Call etc three bloody episodes in, but maybe now that they've finally set forth from the village, this thing can get started. But it'd be pretty naive to believe that when there are still so many talking heads to head.

And of course, just because I know and understand the point of this formula, that doesn't make it any less of a chore to go through as it hits all the standard beats of evil visiting the village, rebelling against the authority figure, etc, especially coming after the first half of the episode which was almost all continued blathering. We really could've been to this point after a single episode if you cut out all the idiotic rambling.

Posted in Tales of Zestiria | 4 Comments »

4 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • Germanguy says:

    Well, this Episode just catch up with the games “prologue”. When both descend their mountain to “search” for Alisha, was when the games really started. Perhaps here is it the same. i just curious in how the new VA for the “Lady of the Lake” sounds

    but of course it is your choice

  • algorithm says:

    So they’re finally done with the (painfully boring) OVA stuff?

  • Tiresias says:

    You know, when I first read a review about not to have high hopes on the story since the Tales series had always been generic…I didn’t thought it would be this generic. Then again, maybe that wouldn’t have been so annoying…had they not spend three episodes just for this. Hoo boy, this is gonna be fucking slow, isn’t it?

    • Germanguy says:

      well, somehow they mix Valvet from Tales of Beseria into this Anime, i wonder how in how this anime follow the Game Storyline, and when they begin to adrift from it to mix in Valvet

      Perhaps as an “Flashback” memory? How knows