Macross Δ #13 — Giant Deadly Nerf Laser

June 26th, 2016


Oh no. Not the laser that does no damage to the things it's fighting!

I've got brunch to eat. Re: Zero will be delayed due to deviled eggs. Not that I even want to keep up with it at this point. It's on life support as soon as the new season starts.


After two straight weeks of sitting on our hands, talking about how bad things offscreen are, it's finally time to… mince around some more, but someone's firing lasers somewhere within the intergalactic tri-state area, so sure, it's still offscreen, but now it's closer to being onscreen than ever! And then it's time for another pop concert, less animated than ever. They've been taking lessons from Hundred. And then there's a huge explosion that kills a bunch of people (obviously no protagonists), and gives us a nice five minute break from anything happening before another pop concert. Some more sacrificing for their comrades (but not really because giant laser blasts and crashing into the ocean are fixed within a minute or two), and then a third pop concert, for love, which is where all the budget went. And it sucked half the cast into the song dimension. Because why wouldn't it?

Well, at least some things happened, which puts it far ahead of the last two episodes and most episodes this season, of it and of other shows. It was still obviously built around "we need to put in insert songs" first and foremost and the rest kind of awkwardly shoved in on top of that, plus obnoxiously padded out Plus all the usual problems of the protagonist participation in events being either handwavey or magic singing to believe in yourself, which lets them triumph enough. And in the end, it's hard to even say what was accomplished that wasn't also accomplished in half the other episodes. The protagonists have won 100% of the onscreen battles so far, so this is just another in the win column, no matter how much they handwring otherwise. They make a big deal about leaving the planet after a tidal wave consumed their hangout, but god knows why. That just leaves the antagonist grand poobah having rocks fall on him. Well, gee. There's a gamechanger if ever there was one.

Posted in Macross | 5 Comments »

5 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • algorithm says:

    Screw this, where is my Kono “inaccurate boob physics” Suba OVA rant?

    • Aroduc says:

      Lost in space?

      Do I HAVE to?

      I was in blissful ignorance of its existence. I miss that.

      • algorithm says:

        If you have enough time for this and Re: Zero, surely you have some left for wonky boobs physics.

      • Eponymous says:

        The people thirst, and their thirst can only be quenched by screenshots of titties alongside scathing commentary of said titties.

  • arknoir says:

    *chuckles* he died with a red bon….anyhow the Macross Elysion was the biggest let down in the series for me. All it did was engage in a shootout with its crappy laser after looking like a hard bastard for 12 episdoes.