Macross Δ #05 — Let’s Review

May 1st, 2016


Plot was moving way too fast for about two minutes at the end of last week. Need some breathing space.


If I'm understanding the Evil Empire's plan correctly, it was to ambush a civilian target in the middle of a city containing basically all of the VIPs helpfully gathered in one location for about two minutes, then declare war, then leave. So it's a really good thing they said that was totally just a distraction, despite containing all their best pilots and no doubt 95% of their named characters we're ever going to see. Otherwise, it'd come across as stupid. And if you think I'm harping on something that was mostly laid out at the end last week, it's because most the first half of this episode was spent harping on that. Oh, and all the future casting couch dwellers using their magical pop star powers to talk about how they could hear a castrati wailing during it. It's so mysterious and mysterious and mysterious… and it was a boy too. Let's all stand around pondering that for a few more minutes.

And yet, things might have been arguably worse in the second half. Let's just save some time and cut right to the fact that it ended with yet another CD song advertisement and everybody being yelled at for breaking the rules. Yet again. If you want to play at being the big bad regimented air force or the weight of war like the start of the second half wouldn't shut up about or whatever, that's fine. Preferable even. But week after week of impotently shaking your fist at those wascally teenagers taking out your trillion dollar military mecha to flirt and dance doesn't mesh with that. Pick one, drop the other, and for god's sake, let's move past "wringing their hands until suddenly they feel better to an insert song." Every single episode cannot go like that, especially when there is absolutely no content to the episode otherwise. And even calling that content is stretching it.


Posted in Macross | 3 Comments »

3 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • Germanguy says:

    how many episodes is there? Perhaps that the culprit why the “plot” is moving so slowly for you

    12 then this is indeed a bit or very slow, but then when they play to bring us 24, then they even not reached the half way

    if 24 then i bet they surly will take their sweet time to show us how this “bad boys” become the ones they are now… childhood and such.. lucky this Bad Boys have a short lifespan. they are not mayflys. but for them time surly flow faster then a normal human

    • Aroduc says:

      There is not a finite amount of story, development, conflict, etc to be doled out. The question of “Did something happen this week?” is never qualified by “That depends on how many episodes there are total.”

  • v1cious says:

    Given the history of the series, this will most likely two cour. Every Macross season starts with a few episodes of calm before shit hits the fan. We’re already starting to see it in this episode with the racism/xenophobia towards Freyja