Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress #02 — Manic Hybrid Pixie Magic Gun Sword Girl

April 14th, 2016


We're just stringing together words haphazardly now, aren't we?

That was sooner than expected, although the schedule going forward might still be affected. Apparently Chinese webcasts will be the first to put this out amidst all the earthquake related preemptions. Oh, China.


And did that sequence really require an insert song? The writing certainly didn't improve from the first episode. We've already moved from the protagonist being special because he was infected but staved it off through a complicated sadomasochism machine to apparently this not actually being that uncommon a thing at all since the new manic pixie girl the episode introduced is one too. Such a wacky girl, sniffing at people and sensing power protagonist levels by means of… shut the hell up, that's why. She has a special magic gun, which is also a sword, which she uses to decapitate them in between shooting at the most armored part of the zombies because I think someone on the director side knows that the "attack them in the only armored part to kill them" gimmick is incredibly stupid and can't help but show an easier, more efficient way. They also can't seem to make up their minds if the beasties are World War Z type berserk swarmers or Dawn of the Dead shamblers and it goes back and forth not just scene to scene, but moment to moment. Consistency is for losers and jerks, I guess.

I do think this episode might have been a little weaker all the same, although still certainly worlds ahead of the rest of this horrid season. Any bit with the princess is tiresome and doesn't really seem to be going anywhere. She exists entirely to gasp about things, and I dread her inevitably being used as the mouthpiece for idealism against reality. Or even just part of an escort quest. I think she needs to be bitten too in order to start having any merit, or given that bow she has in the OP post haste. His buddy also looks like he belongs in an entirely different show and kind of just did the same thing our protagonist did last week, except it has a lot less oomph when the conclusion to the scene is obvious from the start since it's the bloody protagonist we're talking about.


Posted in Kabaneri | 6 Comments »

6 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • Neclord X says:

    Well, at least is nice to see an action show with actual action where things actually happen and is not just people making exposition

  • algorithm says:

    “And did that sequence really require an insert song?”

    Araki’s bad, bad habits of pasting those everywhere. I still think that him working with Tomino helped him a lot. So far.

  • Javi says:

    Well, to be fair, she’s the exact same girl who impressively decapitated a zombie with her sandal last week.

    I’d also say two out of about several thousand people having that special status still makes their condition fairly uncommon in the big picture.

    Admittedly, the depiction of the zombies was rather loose. Doesn’t bother me too much, but I did notice.

  • anise_punter says:

    The male… lead? I guess, the one who asphyxiated himself last week at least, he looks painfully 1990s to the point where I actually kind of like it.

  • Anonymous says:

    Wow, not even a good action sequence will quit your bitching.

  • Anonymous says:

    so is the metal permanently bolted to him?shooting metal spikes into yourself seems like a dumb way to stop blood flow and infraction but Im not an inventor like MC. yes the princess is standard issue gundam, by ep 8 we will see her doing laundry and other commoner things to show her growth