Flashbacks W #11 — Behold! My Flashback Attack!

March 20th, 2016


Perspective, Japan.

In case you were wondering what the jellyfish thing was in Planet Dragon's promo banner, the answer was a pirate hat. …A pirate hat. And what kind of game is it? Space truckin'. The protagonist is a cryogenically frozen… space trucker. Okay then.


Same episode as this show's been making ever since this godawful arc started. Fight a large spherical robot mook or two, unceremoniously off a side-character that you made a huge deal about previously, and spend the entire rest of the thing wallowing in expositions, flashbacks, or expositions about flashbacks. And want to know what it's all leading up to? What the big boss that's revealed at the end of the episode? A slightly larger spherical robot. And why? For some gizmo with the ultimate power, because when you already have one set of those that you're doing absolutely nothing with, might as well add some more. At one point, a character even uses flashback attack where he shoots them all with… something… that sends everyone to the flashback dimension so they can watch flashbacks. Christ.

This is exactly why I can be extra charitable to Pandora and Luck and Logic this season. Because there's this and Utawarerumono dragging down the back end like a thousand anchors tied to a giant spherical anchor. I'm ready for new things now, no matter how dreadful the crop might be.

Posted in Dimension W | 1 Comment »

One Lonely Comment

  • The Phantom says:

    Hated how they skipped the initial battle who seemed interesting, I also hate this arc, it was more interesting in the first few episodes, this show has aged poorly, I have always hated how they use amnesia to fart plot out of nowhere and this is no exception.