Luck and Logic #02 — Tutorial Quiz

January 16th, 2016


What better way for mountains of exposition than a classroom lecture?


The first episode wasn't devoid of exposition about the setting, but this one dived into it with a goddamned vengeance. There was a goodamned extended pop quiz about it. And you'd think they might be setting things up to focus later on the one character who was doing anything at all to stand out during it, but you'd be completely wrong. I think she had maybe four lines after it was over, and one closeup of her ugly CGI ass. They also went out of their way to knock the protagonist down a few pegs into the more traditional awkward dumbass range, getting shy and imbecilic from every other time he looked at a female.

I'm not really sure what the episode was for aside from delivering a mountain of completely unneeded exposition and random buzz words. Not even through anything that could be mistaken for something interesting like a pig attacking a mall either, but training. Unless holographic Moriarty is getting loose and taking over the entire base, can we declare an absolute moratorium on using any form of training as the climax of episodes? Please? And what an awesome and exciting way to end the episode too; he's the new leader! Wow. That'll completely change things from the way it currently is with him telling everyone else what to do every battle. Can't wait to see that!

Posted in Luck and Logic | 1 Comment »

One Lonely Comment

  • Anonymous says:

    I liked that when he woke up he and his partner were still in separate beds and despite having wet dreams about each other neither of them screamed their heads made it feel more genuine and rarity of it in anime also made it feel fresh. its not a big deal but in mediocre shows its the little things that make them stand out a bit.