Show By Rock! #01 — I Have No Mouth and I Must Sing
April 5th, 2015
Why don’t they have mouths? This is really bothering me.
This episode got really weird, really fast. And yet, I find that infinitely preferable to your standard “Idols are the bestest thing ever” schtick that Japan pulls all the time, so I’m calling it a pleasant surprise.On the other hand, they turned into a bunch of mouthless CGI pokemon and fought a giant skeleton attacking them with speaker parts using the power of guitar solos to protect their magic music hearts. And then she’s recruited by a spastic egg into a gang of lesbians who were clearly savaged by the god of giant hair, with a dominatrix secretary who drags the egg into the back room to whip him for a while, whereupon he emerges sweaty and refreshed. The cliffhanger at the end of the episode is that there’s some evil businessman trying to make someone record an evil magic CD that will let him rule the world.
I really cannot even fathom to guess how many drugs went into the creation of this show, but I bet it’s measured in bushels. And let’s not forget that this is based on a cell-phone game. Maybe it’s trying to inherit from Rio’s grand tradition, and it’s certainly a strong first step in the path that eventually leads to holographic space robot sharks. It feels a lot like a Saturday morning show that just got out of hand and they decided to run with it. I find myself oddly okay with the cheesy antagonist situation though. It brings back comforting memories of certain awful 1980s shows and far removed from any kind of serious melodrama, at least assuming they keep mainlining whatever it is they’ve got their hands on. It’s a lot easier to get behind people flipping out about giant soul eating speaker-skeletons than it is insecurity over self-doubt or friiiendship.
Again, infinitely preferable to just slapping idols onto the standard “girls hang around doing nothing and here’s some insert songs” thing, but the initial shock of the weirdness won’t last very long, and I can’t say that the (yet again) screamy comedy or CGI pokemon bits are really my bag.
Next Episode:
More drugs.
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What’s your guess as to how many of your readers actually know who Harlan Ellison is, let alone have read that story?