Mikagura School Suite #01 — Copy/Pasting Backgrounds
April 6th, 2015
It’s like BakaTest, only without everything.
Talk about writing checks you have no hope of cashing with that intro sequence. Yeah, sure, it was just a camera and some flood lights, but it was like those 90 or so seconds were from a completely different show. That made the brief part in the middle where they were trying to talk up how actiony things were with its clear lack of a budget awkward for everybody. They already showed half the (lack of a) fight in the promos and what remained was… also not pretty. Not helping matters was our old friend “First Episode That Barely Covers the Premise Blurb.” The main character and her magical cat spent the entire episode literally just going from one character to the next, each one getting a couple minutes to declare what their cliche was going to be before shuffling off into the void again. What was the point of the episode? “Here’s a bunch of characters.” Yeah, ambitious, guys. You know what would be even more ambitious? A plot.
The show we actually got instead of what the first minute promised was a clothing-fetsih lesbian being relentlessly attacked by recycled backgrounds. It’s not quite as obnoxious a ‘comedy’ as certain other things this season since it does a better job with tone, delivery, and consistency (aka, avoiding any godawful sentimentality) but it’s still firmly in the “I will shout the obvious thing!” as a punchline, with such timeless jokes as “That was not praise!”, “You ignored me when I said something!”, “I am overly excited!”, “This is not a dream!”, and “This is a double take that is two to three sentences longer than the original ‘joke’!”
On the other hand, nothing else airs on Mondays and Tuesdays only have that KyoAni thing molesting my memories of high school band, but it’s pretty close to the borderline of disinterest anyway. I don’t particularly like the main character, there’s no meat to this episode, the ‘action’ is already pretty close to laughable, and while the comedy was perhaps a little stronger than other stuff like Re-Kan or Food Wars (or maybe just not distracted and diluted by trying to get emotional and/or masturbate at the same time), I still hardly cracked a couple chuckles. I got more laughs from the drug fueled trip that was Show By Rock. I’m still trying to figure out how I feel about that.
Posted in Mikagura | 2 Comments »
“It’s like BakaTest, only without everything.” – so it’s Baka Test season 2?